Tassie Metal Gig


Headless Henchman
Jun 21, 2002
Howdy howdy
We're having a gig down here on the 29th of August so I thought I'd just give you all enough time to book your tickets for a fine trip down to the holiday isle with a fine metal gig included :D :D :D
Although the probability of people actually wasting the resources needed to make such a trip is unlikely I thought I'd be able to relieve myself momentarily of my load of boredom.

Its at The Cathedral Room in Launceston on Friday the 29th August. ID will be required at the door and entry is $8. Doors open 9pm.

Intense Hammer Rage

Nosce Tiepsum

Zero Degrees Freedom

Born Headless

The Cathedral Room (Above the Northern Club)
61 Cameron Street Launceston

I's consider either bring soem Mainbands down to Tassie or bringing some Tassie bands (like Intense Hammer Rage) to tour some parts of the mainland, who do you think I's should get in contact with to make somehting like this happen?
And good luck with the gig, man. If I's had the time and money, I's might consider heading down, but I's got to help out with Astriaal's Canberra show on the 30th of August.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Metalbite said:

You folks need to bring the gig down to Hobart. Where the real action is :)

After talking to the Psycroptic boys last month when they were up here and a few other of my's fellow Tasmanian music fans, supposed there are no real vanues left in Hobart.
They all the pubs and former live-music went and sold all their PA gear for fuck knows what reason. Real shame too. Now how can anyone put a gig on in Hobart without being raped like a bitch over prices, because there's no competition or alternitives.
Oh, well. That may well change any time.
The Pimp NeonBlack
The Pimp NeonBlack said:
After talking to the Psycroptic boys last month when they were up here and a few other of my's fellow Tasmanian music fans, supposed there are no real vanues left in Hobart.
They all the pubs and former live-music went and sold all their PA gear for fuck knows what reason. Real shame too. Now how can anyone put a gig on in Hobart without being raped like a bitch over prices, because there's no competition or alternitives.
Oh, well. That may well change any time.
The Pimp NeonBlack

Yeah, unfortunately that is the reality of Hobart. A desolate wasteland of metal. I truly do think Hobart just may be the anti-metal capital of the world.
Metalbite said:
Yeah, unfortunately that is the reality of Hobart. A desolate wasteland of metal. I truly do think Hobart just may be the anti-metal capital of the world.

Fucked, ain't it!
Oh, well. Maybe some fo the Hobart based metal heads shoudl chip into together and buy on of the old pub PA systems and then try and find a pub or venue that may be willing to put on metal gigs (especially if you tell them that you will be doing most of the work). Better yet, try and find an All-ages venue to do things at and apply for a Government Youth Activities grant (or whaever it's called, they government hand out that is suppose to help people promote youth oriented actives such as all-ages gigs, skateboard comps, etc).
That may be the way to go in Tassie.
The Pimp NeonBlack
The Cathedral is a great place for a gig, and in reality theres alot more beer drinkin' yobs who like a bit of metal in Launeston. A big hobart gig is on the cards as soon as we're able to organise one.