

spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
Tattoos: self-expression or self-loathing?
Print Normal font Large font As you'd expect from a bloke who wrote a book titled No Tattoos Before You're Thirty I'm not a huge fan of most skin art, mainly because it's a mistake impressionable kids can't easily undo and also because I've never come across an image, slogan or design that I want to see on my body every day for the rest of my life.

Then there are the people who actually have tatts: although I know many wonderful and adjusted men and women who've cartooned up, there do seem to be an inordinate number of wankers, wannabes and weirdos who equate inking the yin-yang symbol on their bum with being cool.

I know it's very hip nowadays to get ironic tattoos - I remember going to a Sparklehorse gig a few years ago and his percussionist, surely the nerdiest man ever to strut the stage at the Annandale Hotel, sported a flaming violin on his forearm - but this represents the minority of tattoo owners.

Most of the girls I see strutting around with arse antlers and blokes sporting tribal bands and Chili Pepper-style patterns strike me as, well, clueless tools and their "f--- you world" pretensions more of a "look at me" cry for attention.

Throw in the masses of criminals, strippers and junkies whose use of tatts is as original as the business suits they'll tell you they're rebelling against and I wonder if the whole phenomenon is less about self-expression than it is about about low self-esteem ...

Self-esteem is defined as having a "favourable opinion of oneself" according to the Macquarie Dictionary and reflects "a person's overall self-appraisal of their own worth," according to your mate and mine, Wiki.

How we view ourselves is strongly related to how we think others see us and, broadly speaking, people with low self-esteem tend to expect rejection from others, jump to negative conclusions about situations and feel threatened by individuals whom they view as superior.

All of us can feel inferior in a multitude of ways, but one of the most common reasons is because of how we perceive our bodies and physical appearance.

Interestingly, a 2000 study done by Allison, Drews, and Probst found "that tattooed males tended to rate themselves as more adventurous, creative, individualistic, and attractive than those without tattoos".

Which may well point to the reason why someone with low self-esteem might want to get a tatt.

Researcher Shelly Twyman posits: "Say that they do decide to alter their body in some way, in hopes that it will cause someone to notice them?

"It may even be because they felt that they were just like everyone else in the world, but now they can be their own person and have their own identity. Body alterations could even cause a person to have a higher self-esteem than what they had before, all because now they can feel better about who they are, their place in this world, and who they have become."

Other studies of why people get tattoos invariably reflect that individuals see it as a form of self-expression, while others insist it is a method for them to feel unique.

If this is the honest motivation, can I ask you this: why the hell do so many people get the same tattoo?

If carp and skulls and dolphins and geckos and Celtic symbols are your idea of a unique projection of personality, may I suggest you switch off Big Brother for a half hour and pick up a book? (Not Harry Potter).

And in regards to self-expression, riddle me this: why is carving foreign phrases into your flesh so popular - I mean if a word means so much to a person, why write it in a language that you can't understand?

Both Natalie Imbruglia and Holly Valance have tattoos of Chinese characters which, for all they know, could say: "I love chicken chow mein.''

Tony Cohen, of Sydney's Illustrated Man Tattoo Studio, says clients often ask his artists to copy foreign words from photographs or pieces of paper.

"You have to take the person's word for it that it's been written by someone who knows what they're doing,'' he says. "We have the Chinese herbalist from next door go through the words we've got on our wall and check they're correct.''

(To give you an insight into this mindset David Beckham has his wife Posh Spice's name misspelt in Hindi on his forearm - it actually translates as "Vihctoria'', according to the website Vanishing Tattoo.)

Given, tattooing is an integral part of many cultures, I just don't understand why a white bloke from Adelaide wants so badly to co-opt Pacific Islander culture, or an Aussie pop star the Chinese language?

In the end, I just can't get away from that study that found "males who tattoo themselves rate themselves as more attractive, individualistic, creative, and with many more positive characteristics than men without tattoos".

It reminds me of something a mate once said to me about a mutual acquaintance: "He's so dumb he doesn't even realise how stupid he is."

Now, watch me get knocked out by some bloke with tatts this weekend.
They're acceptable if they have a personal meaning that lasts beyond novelty. I'll get one of those... someday. Maybe. Sard is heavy with me.
Ive got a pink breast cancer ribbon tattooed on my foot... I got it as a tribute to a woman in my life who had breast cancer. Shes just an amazing lady. A whole bunch of girls in her group of family/friends got the same tattoo, so it has a lot of meaning.
I would probably get another tattoo, something with lots of meaning like that... not your usual "ass antlers" or that tribal crap that people get.
hahahaha this is some real life office LOL right here hahaha!

Wow. It's been great making out with you, a real live boy, on this couch for 15 minutes. I can see that now, after the conversation we had and the beer you bought me after your friend introduced us at the party, you think it's about time you enjoyed the fruits of your labor. About time you got a blow job from me.

And let me tell you, you came to the right place. Because the world is populated by guys like you; in fact I'm willing to bet there's not one man in the whole wide world who doesn't think he deserves an on-the-couch blow job the first time he makes out with someone, so fear not. This is territory that any girl over the age of 15 has seen many, many times. So don't think I won't do it. There's just a few things I need from you first.

First, I would appreciate it if you would wash your genitals once a day. Just once a day. Heck, you can even do it while you're IN the shower washing anyway. Because guys like you -- don't blame me for presuming -- often live under the gross misunderstanding that their genitals do not stink. Oddly, this is simultaneously the VERY SAME reason they give for not giving us girls oral sex. Listen while I compare the maintenance habits of me and you -- it'll only take a second and I'll get right to it, swear to God.

So. Here's what girls do. We scrub our genitals -- front to back, inside and out -- every day under a high-pressure stream of hot water, using expensive soap designed to both moisturize and leave a pleasant scent. Then we shave most of our genitals. You might think that's an easy task. No, no, my friend. It is not easy. It requires bending, twisting, squatting, stretching and sometimes a hand-held mirror. It must be done every day, but it cannot be rushed. What may be passed off as a "nick" on, say, my knees or your face, can rise to the level of emergency-room-visit when wielding a sharp object so near one's particulars. So. The shaving. Then once a month we go to a snooty spa and spend $80 -- without tip -- for a wax. That's even more fun. That's where we climb up on a table wearing paper panties and then a stranger walks in and starts applying hot wax to our genitals. Often they ask us to assume a particalurly demeaning position -- on all fours, say, or holding one ankle above our heads -- to get every last hair off. And, dude, it hurts. Really. Once we're properly hairless, then we apply TendSkin to prevent red bumps, lotion to prevent any flaky skin and high-priced exfoliating scrub every other day to prevent ingrown hairs. When all is well, we scent our panties and go about our dressing for our big date with you, the super cute boy. Why all this preparation, you ask? It's just so that when we DO manage to be making out with you, you can scrunch up your nose, look at our genitals and say that you "don't do that." You're like, "Sorry, it's not you, I just don't..." And we're like, "Oh, no. It's OK," secretly resenting every painful minute of our genital-prep time. OK, OK, that's us. Now here's you.

You probably run a wet bar of Irish Spring under your armpits every morning and, if we're lucky, maybe take a swipe near your unmentionables. That's the beginning and the end, am I right? You might be surprised to find that Irish Spring or no, you STILL may be stinky. It's true! See, guys secrete sweat and stuff down there, just like girls. And it's an area that never gets any sunlight or fresh air, just like girls. You piss and shit and sometimes it doesn't all go away, just like girls. You have hair down there, just like girls. See where I'm going with this? You may stink as bad -- nay, worse! -- than me, the lucky lady about to put your cock and balls in my mouth. But have you ever heard a girl say she "doesn't do that"? Exactly. We don't say that. So do me a favor, please, and tomorrow start scrubbing your gentials with the same fervor I scrub mine. And consider buying wet toilet paper, it really does help you stay clean throughout the day. Anytime you think you might be perfectly clean, just rub a finger around your testicles and butt crack, then smell it. If comes up Irish Spring, perfect. If not, just think. I'm going to have to put my face in that.

So. Sorry to blabber on so long. I promise I'm almost done and we can start the fabuloso blow job I know you've been thinking about ever since that fateful night when you looked at me and said, "'Sup?" Just a couple more things. Listen to me now. I give pretty good blowjobs. Seriously. I do. For a non-porn-star, I'm willing to bet this is about as good as you're ever going to get. But hear me out. If you want to put your dick in my mouth, that is perfectly fine with me. But you need to respect the fact that my teeth were there first. I can't, sadly, do anything with them as the Good Lord has seen fit to leave me all my teeth at this late age of 26 and I don't have dentures. So if you have a serious problem with teeth touching your penis, here's what I suggest you do: Don't put your dick in other people's mouths. See, that's where all the teeth are. It is soooo easy to avoid getting my teeth against your dick. Just stop putting it in my mouth. Voila! If you insist on putting your dick in my mouth, and I can see that you do, I can promise to do my best to dis-locate my jaw to give you a blowjob that is all suck, spit and tongue. But sometimes you may feel a tooth. Whoops! No need to freak out. The same goes for anal sex, should we ever find ourselves down that path in the future. If you ever want to put your dick up my ass, and don't even pretend, I know you will, that's OK. As long as I feel like you care about me and respect me, that's totally OK. But if I let you put your dick up my butthole, please don't freak out if, afterward, you discover a speck of fecal matter on your penis on our way to the shower. Wow. That really embarasses me, believe me. No need to point it out. And if you do point it out, I can tell you there's a simple solution for not getting fecal matter on your penis. What you do is, stop putting it in other people's assholes. See how easy that is?

But I digress. We're not talking about anal sex here, are we? We're talking about oral sex, about the blowjob you expect from me because you got me that Amstel Light at the show, when you totally could've just gone Coors Light. My hat's off, sir. You deserve a treat. So here goes. Now that we've had this little talk, I hope our oral sex experiences can be positive for both of us. Oh. One last thing. I'm going to swallow, OK?, and that doesn't mean I love you and want to marry you. That means I'll taste it less and won't have your semen coursing over my tongue as I spit it out. So don't read anything into that. Thanks for listening, and enjoy.
Ive got a pink breast cancer ribbon tattooed on my foot... I got it as a tribute to a woman in my life who had breast cancer. Shes just an amazing lady. A whole bunch of girls in her group of family/friends got the same tattoo, so it has a lot of meaning.
I would probably get another tattoo, something with lots of meaning like that... not your usual "ass antlers" or that tribal crap that people get.

like a parrot or something!
i have two, i got them for myself and me alone, most people don't know what they mean and most people don't even know that i have one of them because it's hidden.

you could go on for hours about how negative tattoos are, and people could also sing their virtues.

i sard doing either.
i have two, i got them for myself and me alone, most people don't know what they mean and most people don't even know that i have one of them because it's hidden.

you could go on for hours about how negative tattoos are, and people could also sing their virtues.

i sard doing either.

I know what they mean.