

Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Yay what an interesting topic. I need to do my tax. I've gone with H&R Block for the last few years, but think I heard that some of the smaller agents are better when it comes to finding stuff to claim for. Any thoughts?
Were you with a bigger firm previously, Southy?

I thought of e-tax, but wasn't sure if I'd be able to identify all of the potential deductions using it. Hmmmm.
I think I need to use a place this year. The only income I've had for the past 12 months has been business income through my ABN (GST Registered), and I think I'm gonna get raped on it. So I need to deduct as much as I can haha.
I recommend e-tax for anyone with simple income, minimal deductions, decent PC skills and a rough knowledge of the tax system. As a non-practicing accountant I find using e-tax very simple, and have done a large handful of friends tax returns over the years as well. Maybe you know someone who has a good idea and they can help you do it at home?

Otherwise, I would use an agent, but I have never had any experience with any of them, so can't give any advice there.
i always use e-tax and always do pretty well without bullshitting or making anything up.

i guess that means i'm paying too much tax in the first place, but still it always feels like a win when you get a good chunk of money back from 'em!