Income Tax Returns

Ive used turbotax for the past three years, btw
if anyone really needed to know that
married and kids *help* with taxes. So does owning a house. far as I know. I'm no expert.
I thought I didn't work much last year but my W2s told me otherwise. Either way, being single, unemployed, and a full time student with the prior year being fully employed, I'm in for a killer return.:kickass:
I just filed, I get a whopping 315 back, most of that from the "making work pay" credit.
I need to make a few shitty kids so I can start getting those writeoffs.

On the state side, I get back about 10 bucks. I requested it in check form.

All spent up. Mostly on beer too. A smashing success of the tax system.

Edit: There was a couple pizzas in there too, actually. But I did those while drunk so I think we can just throw that under beer.