TB Reelbus Tape Saturation Plugin

Just checked my previous mix to see what I ended up with there. Interestingly enough, I used two layers of the plugin on the masterbus there. First one was the Professional tape, with subtle as possible settings (every form of noise set to minimum, and spectrum/saturation to center). The needle was hovering around -6dbVU on the top scale. I set the Overbias at 8 oclock, to set the smoothness of the highs to my desired result. Goal of this instance wasn't to really hear the tape, but to add some depth. Eventough I'm NOT a preset-guy, I have found that this setting works pretty well on most things. It's subtle, yet effective.

I added a second instance because I wanted a tiny bit of extra grit on this specific project. I ended up with the Hybrid tape. I used the gain/saturation knobs to achieve what I wanted, without going too far. Needle was bouncing around -5dbVU on top.

Settings were like this in the end:

I've noticed that on guitars, the asperity noise can sound quite unpleasant and weird. Maybe try turning that all the way down and see if you like that better :)

I think that is the one that im using to. That is the one that effect the sound only positive, the others can be a little bit to dirty or alter the sound to much.

You can basically use it on the master and other busses to. Sure you can over use it but try it on more then one source when you are mixing. Im atleasting using it on the master and on the drumbus, vocals to. Not always the guitars.
Originally Posted by Nimvi
Just checked my previous mix to see what I ended up with there. Interestingly enough, I used two layers of the plugin on the masterbus there. First one was the Professional tape, with subtle as possible settings (every form of noise set to minimum, and spectrum/saturation to center). The needle was hovering around -6dbVU on the top scale. I set the Overbias at 8 oclock, to set the smoothness of the highs to my desired result. Goal of this instance wasn't to really hear the tape, but to add some depth. Eventough I'm NOT a preset-guy, I have found that this setting works pretty well on most things. It's subtle, yet effective.

I added a second instance because I wanted a tiny bit of extra grit on this specific project. I ended up with the Hybrid tape. I used the gain/saturation knobs to achieve what I wanted, without going too far. Needle was bouncing around -5dbVU on top.

Settings were like this in the end:

I've noticed that on guitars, the asperity noise can sound quite unpleasant and weird. Maybe try turning that all the way down and see if you like that better

I think that is the one that im using to. That is the one that effect the sound only positive, the others can be a little bit to dirty or alter the sound to much.

You can basically use it on the master and other busses to. Sure you can over use it but try it on more then one source when you are mixing. Im atleasting using it on the master and on the drumbus, vocals to. Not always the guitars.

Hey thanks guys for such nice and detailed answers. Really appreciated. This is really getting interesting!

IDK about it on guitars, I need to find a good setting for it. But I love what this plugin does on the bass and the master. Rounds it out and makes it sound wider.
Right now, i'm using sonimus satson (which is very cheap also) on every track and reelbus on some. ATM i'm having greater results with ferox on distorted guitars. You might want to give it a try and see what it does.