TCF update


Thrash Bastard
Apr 2, 2005
You guys know I am in a thrash/crossover band called TCF. Well our label (Witches Brew from Germany) quit just weeks before we were headin to the studio which was a major drawback. Anyway a US label called Malevolence Records signed us a week into the recordings and is gonna release our debut album "Where Madness Reigns" on both CD and vinyl.

I am afraid I cannot post any finished songs yet as we're still mixing but I promise a huge step up from our EP (2009's "Speed Or Bleed") in the production depatment. We hired a pro and a good studio and I am psyched about the results sofar. Anyway check our facebook page out at:

There's a pre production demo song on out bandprofile from reverbnation, which gives a small hint at the album. i am shure old school Anthrax/SOD fans will like us at leats a little ;-) I'll keep you posted as soon as I have some new material online!