
Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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I don't know when you started being such an asshole, posting unprovoked attacks to others on the board....but I do know that you used to be one of the regulars on here who respected other ppls opinions. Now, you put ppl down as if they are beneath you, hiding behind your "superior intellect" and hatred for all things Belladonna.

To be honest I grow bored and weary of our tiny little flame war and have hereon out decided to just let you think whatever the fuck you want. To clarify - I am the bigger man here. Not you. I have decided you're not really worth any effort after this last post.

I know it chaps your ass that you can no longer "serve/own" me. It hurts you to know you can't make weak comments about wether or not I thought to match dates in history with events and ages in my life. It must hurt you to know that I really truly just don't give a shit.

But be strong my little man. Keep ya chin up. Protect yo gatdamn neck! Be a soldier! Post all you want about me and by all means laugh at my expense. B/c at the end of my day you're nothing more than an obviously lonely soul who gets his nuts off acting like a badass motherfucker on the internet of all fucking places.

Here's the hatchett, buried firmly in your skull.

Warmest regaurds,

yea he's quite annoying, but that's why I'm glad for my Ignore List

:worship: <--- this is a picture of me bowing to my Ignore list
GregadetH said:

I don't know when you started being such an asshole, posting unprovoked attacks to others on the board....but I do know that you used to be one of the regulars on here who respected other ppls opinions. Now, you put ppl down as if they are beneath you, hiding behind your "superior intellect" and hatred for all things Belladonna.

To be honest I grow bored and weary of our tiny little flame war and have hereon out decided to just let you think whatever the fuck you want. To clarify - I am the bigger man here. Not you. I have decided you're not really worth any effort after this last post.

I know it chaps your ass that you can no longer "serve/own" me. It hurts you to know you can't make weak comments about wether or not I thought to match dates in history with events and ages in my life. It must hurt you to know that I really truly just don't give a shit.

But be strong my little man. Keep ya chin up. Protect yo gatdamn neck! Be a soldier! Post all you want about me and by all means laugh at my expense. B/c at the end of my day you're nothing more than an obviously lonely soul who gets his nuts off acting like a badass motherfucker on the internet of all fucking places.

Here's the hatchett, buried firmly in your skull.

Warmest regaurds,


This is Ty's House of Style.
Nobody fucks with us.
We do the fucking.

Now take a chill pill and relax.