

Jan 30, 2006
I absolutely love it and can't get enough of it! I drink atleast 3-4 cups a day, and from what I've read, its got tons of positive health effects.

It sooths me down, yet more attentive. It's like meditation in a cup! :)

Do you like tea during your day? Which flavors do you prefer? Do you like Iced Tea?

My favourite is cardomon flavored tea bags by Tetley dipped in minimal milk and mostly hot water, sweetened with honey and some bits of lemon juice. :oops: Just makes my morning.

I drink coffee primarily but I do enjoy the odd tea; probably about 1 cup every 2 days. My favourite is peppermint but I also drink chai and jasmine a fair bit. Nothing beats a chai latte on a cold night.

Iced tea is good but nothing to write home about. There's an organic tea farm down south of here that make an excellent organic iced tea. Steer clear of all that Lipton crap.
I have a cup of green tea every morning with my breakfast during the week, and every now and then I'll have chamomile tea.

my favorite though is Yogi's Kombucha tea, but it never comes in decaf (I stay away from caffeinated tea and yes I know even decaf tea has some caffeine in it)
I keep a container of cold, unsweetened green tea in the fridge at my place of work. It's better than drinking a bunch of pop or coffee throughout the entire day.
While I really dig green tea and sometimes even some Black tea on cold mornings, I'm most used to drinking tea with milk, the Indian way.

Shacks in the Himalayas serve hot tea and ramen. This is the tea one most relishes. I don't really know what all they put in it. It most definitely tasted like it had a helping of ginger, pepper and some herb or two.

I love tea. I used to think unsweetened tea was gross but now I can't drink the stuff with sugar or honey or whatever added unless it's chai/black with milk.

On accounta where I live I drink green tea all the time. Green tea is king but oolong tea is also everywhere, and barley tea drunk cold in the summer is amazing.
I've been eating really healthy the past few months and really cutting out junk, even coffee. I'd rather have something healthy like white tea (or green tea) and I drink a few cups a day. Sometimes I'll heat up some water and add ginger instead of tea, very powerful stuff that it's almost like a shot of vodka.

I never add sugar to my tea or to anything really.