Teaching Guitar


Dec 23, 2004
What advice do you all have about giving lessons in a music store?

Some suggestions on what you would expect a teacher to know, things you wish your teacher knew etc. Is it really necessary to memorize Green Day's repertory and a whole lot of strum songs to land a teaching gig?

Obviously I would like to try integrating some more interesting concepts into my lesson plan if I do end up teaching. Theory suggestions are absolutely welcome too.

Any help is appreciated.
Hey mate, I'm starting teaching this year, and I'm just starting off with some really young kids (I'm only 18...) and if you get young ones, I think it's important to encourage them and inspire them to like music that is actually challenging... But make it fun, I know I didn't start taking off on the guitar until I changed teacher and my new teacher let me learn a song which I wanted, and I also started trying to write my own... I think encouraging them and being an inspiration is just as important as what you actually teach... If you nail that part, you can then teach them pretty much anything and they'll respond better...