Teaching Music?

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
I don't have a degree or anything, or want to for that matter but I'd like to maybe dabble in teaching. I know a fair bit of info and I took some college courses, but I'm lost in the shuffle...

Do any of you guys here teach like say on the weekends or anything?
How did you get started?
Am I about to fail miserably?
Do I REALLY know how to even play the guitar?


Hey dude, I am assuming that you are talking about me? :)

Anyway, it is pretty easy to get started teaching. No matter what skill level you are currently at (I have heard some of your playing and you have some great things going on) you can teach people.

If you want to teach privately out of your house or something like that, I would create a pro looking flyer to pass out around your area. You will without a doubt get students that way.

The other option is to start by finding a local store that you can use as an instruction studio. I can help you throw together a résumé for this if you want. (I have helped a ton of my students with this to get them teaching gigs)

It would be basically impossible to fail dude.....

I currently teach private lessons, classes (music theory, guitar, song-writing, recording, etc), small groups, clinics, etc. I will be teaching tomorrow and Saturday giving lectures at the University of Wisconsin. Most of this was the result of word-of-mouth from people talking about lessons with me.

What kind of goals do you have for teaching?

Also, I would just want to say that teaching is one hell of a way to make some serious money. There are some classes I teach that I make about $350 an hour! I would definitely recommend it

No matter what the situation, I would love to help out. I really like helping people out so don't hesitate to ask for it. You can shoot me an email if I don't reply to this thread fast enough :) I am pretty busy at the moment with some session guitar work and the UoW lectures, but can definitely find time to help out :)
thought about it myself. realized I know nothing. plus I wouldn't want to have to figure out some dumb song a kid wants to learn how to play. next thing you know I'm spending time tabbing Korn riffs out.
yea, fuck teaching people songs...tell them that you're out to provide them with the knowledge and techniques needed to play the shit on their own
My brother teaches drum lessons; he's only 17, but he makes $75 per student per month. I think he's got like 8 students now, so that's fucking $600 a month PLUS his regular job at a coffee shop! And here I am at college fucking broke :erk:

But oh well, he'll go off to school next year and be poor too lol! :heh:
I've been teaching guitar for about a year now and work with elementary kids in an after school program. I also used to have my degree geared towards teaching :erk: LOL I don't know.. can you really play guitar?
I couldn't teach guitar. I know what I sounded like and I currently have a friend picking it up too. Out of tune bends, no/ crap vibrato, crap timing and chords being pressed too hard..... it would take way too much of a toll on me, that's for sure.
I started with 2 pupils as I was 22 years old. Now I´m 27 years and about 70 kids regulary visit my lessons in my guitar school. I give all kinds of guitar lessons..bass, western, classical, I also make bandcoaching & recording events with groups. I can say, It´s a dreamjob, but you have to be good, handle with different kinds of characters. It´s a thin line between being strictly demanding and having a really good and funny time with relaxing mood. For the Young kids (10 years old), FUN is very important. But then, the parents wanna see some progress. It´s not always that easy.
These are the students I usually work with and having them not progress is the worst especially because they NEVER practice! :heh:

Haha I love their excuses, when they did not practice as long as I recommanded..for example: "I had to chop wood" Or "I have helped a mouse" :) This young rockers are too funny.

The pleasent students are the 15 -20 years old ones who wanna learn to play riffs like their Metal heroes. Ambition Pure!! Add talent and it´s to 100% a dreamjob.

A dark side of the job, is the fact, that you always have to be in a good mood, even when you have private problems. It´s like acting, you are an Entertainer. You cannot show them, that you are pissed.

The bright side is the thing, that you make friends and the lesson is like a funny party. Sometimes I laugh tears, I have some very, very funny kids there :lol:
70 kids, goddamn Felix, congrats - I guess you're doing something right!

Thanks, Marcus :) Hahaha

I think it was kind of positive mouth to mouth propaganda, the kids talk about me in school etc..I´m very happy how it is. My complete day is just ROCK! haha nearly like Tenacious D...*lol*
Haha I love their excuses, when they did not practice as long as I recommanded..for example: "I had to chop wood" Or "I have helped a mouse" :) This young rockers are too funny.

The pleasent students are the 15 -20 years old ones who wanna learn to play riffs like their Metal heroes. Ambition Pure!! Add talent and it´s to 100% a dreamjob.

A dark side of the job, is the fact, that you always have to be in a good mood, even when you have private problems. It´s like acting, you are an Entertainer. You cannot show them, that you are pissed.

The bright side is the thing, that you make friends and the lesson is like a funny party. Sometimes I laugh tears, I have some very, very funny kids there :lol:

LMAO :lol: +1 to everything stated. Yeah, the best instance of being in a good mood for me was when I got in my car accident I showed up like nothing had happened and put on the act. That's the most important thing IMO. It is fun though and you meet some very interesting people... :D