Team America: World Police


Oct 14, 2001

This is movie almost made me cry in some parts it's so funny, everything in it is hilarious, especially when the North Korean Dictator sings a song about him being lonely, and the main theme song "AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!" I urge everyone to see this beautiful piece of comedic genious, it ranks up there with Monty Python, and blows anything South Park out of the water.

Has anyone else seen it?
Sorry I cannot express my praise enough for this movie.

11/10. NAD honestly man, you are going to be crying so much due to its awesomeness.
My mom and I are going to see it this week, she'll probably pay and buy me some Sour Patch Kids, too. SOCOORE.
Funny how you hear something once and then it just seems to pop up all over. They played a clip of this on Have I Got News For You just now :D
HAhahahahahahahaha I found the video on another forum and they seem to think it's pro-American.
