Team America: World Police

HarmonyDies.... said:
This is movie almost made me cry in some parts it's so funny
I cried freakin' hard at the barf scene, that shit damn near killed me. Also:

MATT . . . . DAMON.
Thanatopsis said:
I was really let down by this movie. The puppet thing got old fast, they rehashed too much shit from South Park, and they were way over their heads with this subject matter. I'm sure I'd be more pissed off and would have latched onto more negatives if the sneak preview wasn't a double feature; at least I got to see Sky Captain for free.

Team America is a renter at best.
I don't think it was nearly as good as the South Park Movie, but it was still quite funny. The best satire was when Team America made sure to destroy every landmark they got within 50 miles of, THAT was Certifiable Comedy Gold.

I expected more, but left the theatre happy because I got plenty of great dick and fart jokes.
Finally got around to seeing Team America and I wasn't disappointed, although I think it did a better job at stomping all over every last big budget action cliche than political satire. That said, when was the last time you heard anything in a movie as truthful as the "dicks, pussies, and assholes" speech? Now that is some deep fucking philosophy. And of course the songs are hilarious.
WORST movie I've seen in a while! Nothing worse than a movie that THINKS it's hilarious the whole way through, but it just tries too hard and falls on it's ass!