This is the thrid entry in Tearstained's "suicide trilogy" and it's the best of the the three. For those who don't know, Tearstained is a depressing one man black metal band who sound like a cross between Bathory and King Diamond. The sole member is Mikael Bayusik, and he does a hell of a job. His falsetto screams are remminicant of King Diamond and the clean vocals are impressive. Lyrically, Mikael writes about depression and suicide, and it's very convnicing. Combined with the music, it mixes well. The songs really bring about a depressing atmosphere. Tearstained is a great underrated BM band and for the kind of songs Mikael writes, it dosen't come off sounding like a second rate goth band. I highly recommend this album.
1. Emotionally Massacred
2. Cold and Distant
3. Trust No One
4. Grim Bitterness
5. Failed Suicide Attempt
6. The Shallow Pool Of Life
7. Hopeless Emptiness
8. Final Thoughts