Techy Riff Axe FX Tone Test!

is one of the guitar is in the center? pan them hard left and right. that snare maybe need more compression. where is the bass?
love your guitar tone. goodddd job!
haha both guitars are about 60-60 L and R, Ill try panning full left and right but I find it sounds fuller this way. The snare is pretty compressed as it is, but it could always use some good old fashioned tweaking! Thanks man!
That sounds great dude! could you shed some light on how you achieved that dry(low gain), yet full tone?
Link updated with more riffs and stuff...also added bass ;). And as for the tone. Its a Pod XT running into SIR with Axe FX cab impulses. lots of mids, around 70% gain, very little bass and not a whole lot of treble. i dont know tone is subjective, just keep tweaking! An electric guitar is designed to handle mid frequency ranges so if you want your guitar to stand out more in a mix, pump the tone full of mids!
really like the tones involved. really clean, what are you coming in through?

Hey thanks man, signal chain is ESP 7 string >> Pod XT (cab sims off) >> Axe FX cab sims in Cubase, and then some light compression and EQing on the guitars...tone is all in the mids, hardly any bass on the guitars at all. Glad you like it man!