Ted - Thanks


Electric Monk
Jan 24, 2003
Painesville, Ohio
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[EDIT] Regarding the DVD performance...

This is probably a year too late and a very tired subject for you but...

Ted, I just want to say thanks for performing What To Say, acuatlly to the whole band.

It really is a therapeutic song for me and, I'm sure many others, perhaps not within the exact context it was written, but influenced by the underlying emotion and the theme of loss.

I also have a real world connection with the song, again, not within the same context it was written, but...rambling

It justs makes you think and remember...and that's good to me....there....I've said it.

Take care.
Yes, I have to agree, and even though this has been discussed many times before, it doesn't hurt to bring it up again. In fact, I think it helps...we just had a sudden death in the family and listening to What to Say, and all of Enchant has been the best therapy for me. It ties me to the way I felt before this happened, and keeps my mind open to how things will change.

Enchant's music is so powerful in so many ways, the lyrics, the way the tunes are put together, how the guys play/perform/put themselves into the recordings and most of all, the energy and emotion of the live performances. The way I see it, we're all human beings, and one of the most human things we can do is to share our emotions and experiences, find common ground, and most of all truly care about others.

Thank you,

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