Tell me about Sigur Rós.


I said no olives!
Feb 10, 2003
They seem like a cool band to get into.. so what are Sigur Ros actually like? Are any bands similar in sound to them? What albums do you recommend? Are they available in Australia?

Thanks guys

ps. This thread was inspired by Speedkill's random 20 list. Thanks! :D
They are really good...

Umm I guess you can compare them to radiohead, but they dont really rock out (all i have is (_) ) its pretty piano/organ driven modern rock I guess. They should have worldwide distribution. The closest thing i can compare them to is Radiohead, really trippy long SAD DEPRESSING music. The vocals are minimal and usually just add to the intrumental ambience.
Check out the new one "( )" I saw them live and it was pretty awesome. If you want some mp3s, there are tons in the UM, they are popular enough nowdays, so theya re prolly all over Kazaa and other progs.
Yeah I agree (_) is an incredible example of using the less is more approach, beautiful layers but simplistic at the same time, the first album is much the same so get the latest coz you will really enjoy it!!
IcemanJ256 said:
I like to think of the "(" in "()" as very happy joyful sounding songs. and the " )" is longer sad, depressing songs. I like their first cd, "Agætis Byrjun" better though. want me to copy reviews i've written on both of em here?

[fucktard smartass mode on]In fact their first cd was called Von... and they only made some 500 copies of it. And yes I have it as .APE :) [fucktard smartass mode off]

I like them a lot too, haven't listened them too much though. But I have em all lying around ;)