Tell me about the waters of your homeworld, Usul.


Edenspring Wayfarer
Dec 8, 2001
The Dreaming
So spoke Chani of the Fremen to Paul Atreides in Frank Herbert's masterpiece, Dune, asking the young duke about the beauty of his land.
What about yours?

If you wanted to describe the greatest beauties of your homeland, what would you say?
Please, post here.
You could see the current beauties of my homeworld in my pic thread...:) But anyway.. Nahh, I will post later..:)

-phyros (most certainly out..)-
The greatest beauties of my homeland?
One is sure: me!:lol:

Ok....should give up drinking...but...but.... oh: wine is awesome here. The gorgeous Vino de li Castelli.... And Grappa and Sambuca...yeah... and Genziana.... sweets...

we got a whole lot of beautiful woods where i grew up (in the bavarian woods, that is) with a whole lot of beautiful rivers and and a wonderful lack of human beings :grin:
those flat plains i live in now suck, but up in the mountains "we" have you can really enjoy this world...
the winters here are quite beautiful because we got a lot of snow with the advantage that our winter HAS AN END compared to those poor folks up north...
err, we don't have any women and a whole bunch of idiots here, but i guess that there's no differnece in the rest of the world;)
and "we", the germans "had" the godfather of music: bach. blablerblablabla.

btw, life is wonderful:spin:

@Misanthrope... Jebus? Was it meant to be Jesus? In that case... I´ve heard that comment before...:)

/phyros, more drunk thean ever
This place where I was born and raised (Western Canada) is very beautiful...

It is winter and there is so much clean pure snow here. It is even more pretty in autumn, as all the trees turn different colors.

I live in a neighbourhood right at the limits of the most northern major city in Canada, so it is very quiet here.

I am even more grateful to live here as I recently traveled to a crowded smoggy urban area with way too many people. It was so terrible for me, and I am happy to be back here where I can have my personal solitude and space. :)
I at the feet of our wonders!!!!!!
We don't have spooky and fashion woods here.....we don't have great lakes nor rivers here...but we have Gaudi!!!!
the Sagrada Familia, nothing like that in the entire world :)
but I believe the 90% of Barcelona it's a mere wonder!

fathervic (who loves the architecture of "his" city!)
well i live in london, and as one can see from my profile, it is decidedly a shithole :err:
there is little that is 'picturesque' about the city - maybe with the exception of parts of the Thames at sundown in autumn or the middle of summer... but it doesn't have the same atmosphere as say, paris. what i don't understand is ALL the tourists - do they just come to see for themselves just how shit it really is?!

and another thing the dt fan population is about 10 to 20 people:mad:
Hmm, the "grand cinema" down the street from Circle-K, thats brand new. We got a best western that looks like the white house, oh yeah. Once I saw a 2 story mcdonalds! IT ROCKED!
beauty here is rare and old, words mostly, wether poetry or philosophy, I like to think of germany as a "thinking man's land"... but then again, when I look around me....

here is europe, what is beautyful about europe ? nearly 60 years of peace and growing together, and just maybe a generation to come that understands that our greatest deed was to write down that all men be equals, here we find art in motion, be it music, poetry or painting, I love this culture, it is mine, it is the soul of the soil from which I've grown.

the land ? it is divided and broken up, shaped in geometrical shapes by the very same centuries that have brought forth nietzsche and camue,... it is, for nature's sake, a defiled land... but still, hidden beyond manmade concrete mounds we can find remnants of how this land once shone.
and then we have man's own achievements in creating beauty around him.. the ancient and the modern buildings, created with more in mind than simply a roof for a weary head...

and as deeply disgusted by our so called media culture as I am... in this beauty I still can find myself, and know that this is where I belong, where I come from....

I love europe, for all this, and hate it for the very fact that it is about to throw all it's beauty away, for the sake of profit and power....

thus I cry for a generation untouched by beauty, and pray that mine might rise above them.... in British Columbia there's alot of beauty.....huge rolling hills everywhere, lush green forests always in site, mountains EVERYWHERE you can't turn around without seeing one. Beautiful rivers, lakes, and of course the beautiful Pacific Ocean....lots of nice areas.....
Originally posted by Malveaux
So few people taking me seriously:cry:...
But to those among you who did, thank you very much...

im sorry malveux please dont cry.....

I just joked because I live in America, most of our "beauties" are already well known like The Goldne Gate Bridge in San Fransisco or the Statue of Liberty etc. My apolgies

Final_Vision: 2nd apology delt tonight......hmm....
Chile, my homeland, deserves more than a description written by me. Frankly I couldn’t depict the beauty of it that lies mostly in the territory.

The capital, Santiago, is awful, polluted, ugly & grey but it still holds buildings raised by the Spaniards in the time of the colony. The people is rude and always in a rush, and certainly doesn’t count as part of the ‘homeland beauties’ :grin:

But as much as I hate the nation I can’t help loving the geography.

Living in the longest country in the world makes it quite an isolated place but also rewards us with all the possible climates and fabulous contrasts. Forests, rain forests, ice fields, deserts, lakes, mountains, vulcanos, geysers, beautiful beaches, glaciers, green valleys, (in the north) the purest sky in the world..

Among the most amazing sights I could name the florid desert, the snowy mighty Andes, the huge glacier of the St. Raphael Lagoon(?), the waters of the Pacific Ocean…

Thank you to every single one of you, and please accept my apologies for the late reply to your messages :).
@Final_Vision: don't worry, I was kidding ;).
@Astarte: here. I didn't let you make the thread die :p.
I've seen some pictures of Chile, and I really have to say that it seems to have unexpectedly beautiful landscapes...