tell me what you think of this mp3 of my band


New Metal Member
Oct 14, 2002
marlboro, nj
hey guys- just wanted some input on a song my band recorded about a year ago. we are called OMNIA and you can download the track called 78 a.d. by going to and going into the music section.

please let me know what you think of this song - even if you hate it.

also - WE ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR A SINGER - so if anyone in the central jersey area is interested in trying out please contact me at thanks - jeff -
we play all types of rock(metal, classic rock, prog, a little{very little}jam, and a bit of jazz) but lately have been leaning toward a more prog metal type genre. we are very into symphony x and dream theater as well as by bands like pain of salvation and old school metallica, zeppelin, zappa, soilwork, etc.
Very nice, some really cool riffs you have there. Not the type of metal I would listen all day long, but good nonetheless :headbang:
I`ve taken a listen to 78 AD, and my comments may be a little harsh, but hey, you asked for them. First of all, you guys are adept musicians, especially the drummer impressed me. The playing is tight and you seem to conscious about what you are doing. That is a good thing.

The guitar sound is good, the bass sound likewise. The drums seem a little out of place. Perhaps you could have taken a little more time to adjust the sound of them? I like the clean guitar sound with delay. What equipment are you using?

Now, the music is my main gripe about the track. Like so many other young prog bands out there, you seem to have adopted the good ol`cut/paste way of making "progressive" songs. Many of the parts seem to have no correlation with each other. There is not a single memorable riff or hook, and all the different patterns or riffs seem to have been just mashed together without thought or intelligence. Don`t get me wrong, I love complex music(like Stockhausen, Messiaen, Watchtower et.c.)but this isn`t complex nor is it progressive. Where is the melody? Where is the element that binds the various riffs together? Perhaps giving a little more thought to this will help your next song. You are good musicians with a lot of potential.
From an experienced musician/songwriter's point of view, the word of the day is cohesion.

From bars 21 to 24. You're left with the melody at the opening. But that's just it. Your "left" with it. You never hear it again. Get back to it! Bring that change from 20 to 21 back. And push it from 24 to 25. Bam! There's your melody.

Arrangement, dude. It's all about arrangement. Every close to competent musician must realise that arrangement is THE most important element in "good" songwriting.

I see much potential.

Although I don't see the cut and paste theory being applied here, with a little re-arrangment, and the right vocals, I see a killer tune. I could hear vocals all over the place. You guys have lyrics written for this peice?

Keep it up, duder! You guys have a good sound.
thank you guys very much for your input... we actually feel the same exact way about the song(as far as the cut and paste). we realized after we recorded it that it sounded like a bunch of 15 second clips and not one complete song. we wrote the entire track only a couple of days before we recorded it which i think has a lot to do with why it sounds so broken up.

thanks for the compliments on the quality becuase we recorded it at a studio for $10 bucks an hour and came out with a much better sound that we were expecting. the guitar sounds were all from a POD(im not sure of all the specifics).

we're currently working on a lot of new material - ill fill you all in when some of it is finished. thanks