tell me what you think...

its very choppy on my computer but what i can get out of it, its pretty kick ass! i'll try it on derick's comp
metalskater7 said:
i have a tons more of stuff only one other full song which is teh more thrashy side of me

listen to this like 1 min long thing, i did it as a joke to show my friends how groovy i can get...can leave on loop for an hour and not get tired of it haha

is drums only


It's so damn fun to listen to!!!
DO MORE!!!!!

I watched the thrusting stormtrooper of death while listening to this piece....this is FINNISH..

now I'll listen to the other one.
haha its guitar pro, takes some practice to write and an imaginitve mind :p
go to the guitar pro site for the demo if you want the program