Tempo map trouble...


kill your television
Feb 4, 2009
having trouble tempo mapping my latest band. They use a lot of tempo changes. I'm using a VS-2480 (don't laugh) and usually is a quite capable machine for the simpler bands I record. The tempo mapping features however leave something to be desired now that I'm doing a Tech/Death band. I have Cubase SE3, but have never used the tempo map or metronome in it. any 2480 users or anyone else for that matter have any ideas... I'm going crazy over these changes.

Here's an example.
Are you trying to create a tempo map AFTER they record, or are you trying to make a tempo map for them to record TO?
I have 2 very effective steps for both ways, but would rather only spend time going into detail for the method you're using.
trying to get them one to record TO. Trying to get some pre-pro out of way before they come. They sent me audio renderings of midi files for 4 songs.
I sometimes do tempo maps for fun. If they have the midi files have them send that to you because the tempo map is embedded in the file.
Thanks a shit ton guys. The midi files DO have the tempo map imbedded. Just loaded them in Cubase and muted all the midi tracks, and viola! tempo map.