

Oct 13, 2002
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I just recently ordered Tenhi's album Vare. I was having a hard time choosing between Vare and Kauan but went with Vare because the only sample I have from Kauan is the song Lauluni Sinulle and the production...isn't the best lets just say.

So, is that just my mp3? Does Kauan have descent production? Other than that, what do you think of the album? How does Lauluni Sinulle compare to the rest of the tracks?
I prefer Kauan to Vare, though I've only had Vare about a week. It's more folky, and sad than Vare. You should definately get hold of it if Vare interests you.

Never noticed anything wrong with the production.
I recieved Vare today and have listened to about half the album so far. Fucking great stuff here. It is missing the level of sad beauty that Lauluni Sinulle had but the increased level of musicianship makes up for it.

I'm soooo getting Kauan when I come across some cash (unless I go crazy and by all the damned Thalarion albums I've wanted for so long).