Terminal Descent - Host Age to the Devil

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Terminal Descent – Host Age to the Devil
Vitriolic Records - 2007
By Adam McAuley


Strange variations are present to this album that makes it difficult to classify. I would want to say that it’s progressive, but there isn’t an overly distinctive type of sound to be found. Regardless, the musical performance doesn’t have clarity or stand out and everything sounds like it’s caught in a web. The band tries to be interesting, but instead comes up technically well short of the mark. Terminal Descent's music sounds a bit jumbled and instead of being unique, it appears to be disconnected.

There is an attempt to be futuristic which is somewhat exciting, but the band never pulls together thoughtful musical ideas to make a cohesive work. The work as a whole has a feeling of being incomplete which isn’t exactly what one might hope to hear. The riffs don’t have the kind of conviction that one might expect and the band is underwhelming for the most part. Perhaps if I had to pick a favourite track the opening one “Serpents Entwined” has a bit of momentum. The songs meld together to a certain point, but never gather the consistency one would hope for if it was to be a really splendid release.

It always seems as if there’s an unfinished feel to their out of this world approach that never allows the band to achieve the status they want to. The good points to be found here are overshadowed by the general lack of tightness to be found and it makes for an album that is difficult to recommend. People that are looking for something completely left field might find something to enjoy from here even if they don’t like every aspect of the release. The slightly out of tune style to be found on Host Age to the Devil could certainly be up someone’s alley if they have diverse tastes. I’d just give a warning that Terminal Descent might come up a bit short of someone’s hopes.

Official Terminal Descent My Space