Terrible films you have seen...

Spiffo... I actually really liked A Beautiful Mind... and I generally don't like Russell Crowe.

One bad one that comes to mind (because I saw it last week) is Elektra - even Jennifer Garner's hotness couldn't save it.

One particularly bad movie I remember seeing as a teenager at about 2am in the moring on TV was "Hell Comes to Frogtown". If I remember rightly, it starred Rowdy Roddy Piper. It was set after a nuclear war and RRP has to save a bunch of women from the bad mutant frog dude in order to impregnate them and ensure the survival of the human race. I seem to remember him having a bomb stuck to his balls during the movie too... baaaaaad.
Wenda said:
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS :yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk:
What she said! That movie takes the Moser mud cake award for the biggest load of shit I've seen in ages!

We found that in our housemate's movie collection last night and said "Meh, why not".... and then we found out "why not".

I mean, who would buy a movie like that? This is like a present you'd get someone you hate as payback or something... Maybe he's just retarded... Hmmmm.....

What was I saying..?

Oh yes. It's poo. Avoid.

Nearly every Hollywood action movie that has been made in the last 10 years. They all stink. BORING. I hate everything about them. I can't even pin point one single bad one because they are all as bad as each other.

Absolutely no charm, no character, no personality, no atmosphere, atrocious music scores, the dialogue is putrid (I can't stand today's "action movie wise guy" one liners), and half the action takes place in front of computer screens or in these hi-tech call centre looking places with big screens and the entire focus is on technology rather than characters & the REAL action. I loved action movies from the '70s & '80s (I think the 70s was by far the golden era of Hollywood coz they were taking risks and film making was changing for the better), and I can't see why its so hard to make an action movie now that is actually funny and has charm & personality about it and focuses its action on the characters using the setting of whatever city they are in and capturing the mood of that city, rather than dudes sitting around screens with headsets on saying bad lines.

Rant over. I HATE THEM!
KoichCPA said:
OK, besides having some of the most woeful CGI compositing I've ever seen (Unreal Tournament has more realistic graphics) the acting... oh God... the acting...

Imagine really over the top cartoon villains and heroes with funny voices and piss-poor dialog ("Curses! They are escaping!!" *twirls moustach*) and you're only in the ballpark of how crap this is.

This movie is more crap than a crapping machine especially constructed to crap craps. And then some.
And speaking of what you would call "Terrible films" that I've seen, that would be half my video collection and most of my favourite movies of all time! But most of them are only "bad" because a) no budget, which doesnt bother me a bit; or b) meant to be bad. I love them.

Some of my favourites are Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (cant go past this one!), Delinquent Schoolgirls, Shock Waves (underwater nazi zombie soldiers in sunglasses attacking John Carradine's pleasure boat passengers!), Sorority Babes In The Slime Ball Bowl-O-Rama, Screwballs, The Cheerleaders, Mother's Day, Terror Firmer, Teenage Catgirls In Heat, Demented Death Farm Massacre, Shock 'Em Dead (music by Michael Angelo of Nitro!), Bloodsucking Freaks, Slaughter High, etc etc!

I have also come to the conclusion that my favourite actress is Linnea Quigley... if you wanna see the classiness of the films she has been in, look her up on imdb.com and check out her filmography haha!

The only thing I really look for in movies is that I have to like the vibe. If the film captures a cool vibe and puts me in a mood that I enjoy, then I like it. And generally the films that do that the best for me are the most simple or low budget ones. It's all about atmosphere & charm for me.

I would watch any of those films which cost NOTHING to make over most hundreds-of-million dollar blockbusters anyday because they are more fun, entertaining and have a certain charm about them. They have personality and character.
Some of the films Linnea Quigley has starred in:

Zombiegeddon (2003)
Miss Maniac (2003)
Corpses Are Forever (2003)
Attack of the B-Movie Monster (2002)
Each Time I Kill (2002)
Scream Queen (2002)
Kannibal (2001)
The Monster Man (2001)
Horrorvision (2001) (V)
Sex Files: Pleasureville (1999)
Mari-Cookie and the Killer Tarantula (1998)
Bimbo Movie Bash (1997)
Sick-o-pathics (1996)
Stripteaser (1995) (uncredited)
Assault of the Party Nerds 2: The Heavy Petting Detective (1995)
Beach Babes from Beyond (1993)
Blood Church (1992)
A French Vampire in America (1992)
Virgin High (1991)
Vice Academy Part 2 (1990)
Assault of the Party Nerds (1989)
Sexbomb (1989)
I Was a Teenage Sex Mutant (1988)
Vice Academy (1988)
Night of the Demons (1988)
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988)
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (1988)
Sorority Succubus Sisters (1987)
Creepozoids (1987)
Beverly Hills Girls (1986)
The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
Kidnapped Girls Agency (1983)
Nudes in Limbo (1983)

...just part of her filmography. Can you get more of a Scream Queen than Linnea Quigley? Coolest actress ever. And still doing the cool stuff now.
Lord Tim said:
OK, besides having some of the most woeful CGI compositing I've ever seen (Unreal Tournament has more realistic graphics) the acting... oh God... the acting...

Imagine really over the top cartoon villains and heroes with funny voices and piss-poor dialog ("Curses! They are escaping!!" *twirls moustach*) and you're only in the ballpark of how crap this is.

This movie is more crap than a crapping machine especially constructed to crap craps. And then some.

I was referring to the part in bold that implied that you and Karyn now live together.

I already know fucking crap the movie is. I took it back to civic video and asked for an exchange. The guy behind the counter said "I'm not going to even ask you why you didn't like this/"
I did not know this, I thought Karyn was still living in brisbane.

Did this happen in that 1 week when I didn't have the net?

How do people expect me to make crude jokes when you don't inform me of these things?

Can I possibly continue to talk to myself forever?

Where are my shoes

Yeah, Karyn moved in here about 3 or 4 months ago with myself, and the 2 other people, the cat and the dog who also live here... for a little house, it's quite packed to the brim with people!

Oh, I also want your shoes - they rule very muchly!
Queen of the Damned takes the prize for the biggest load of shite I've sat through (and paid for) in many a year. I was trying and failing to get into someone's knickers at the time so that may have influenced my opinion, but still... :puke:

Hulk was bloody awful too. If Hoyts didn't let me in at senior's rates I would have asked for my money back.

Wrathchild said:
Queen of the Damned takes the prize for the biggest load of shite I've sat through (and paid for) in many a year. I was trying and failing to get into someone's knickers at the time so that may have influenced my opinion, but still... :puke:

Hulk was bloody awful too. If Hoyts didn't let me in at senior's rates I would have asked for my money back.

I want to hear about the part in bold.