terrorist kill kids for islam


80's thrash-miester
Jul 23, 2004
Seattle, WA

I never thought I'd see the day that terrorists would take little kids hostage and kill them.

I guess except for that Waco shit way back when....But that was like a psycho cult I thought...Just like radical Islam!!

Russia and the USA should allign in the war on terror. Instead of stifling us next time they should be an ally. It's a common problem, so they should let bygones be bygones.
Its sad what is happenning in Russia, I was watching it last night on the news. Seeing the little kids covered in blood and crying was heartbreaking. What a fucked up world we live in.

.......but in Waco it was the FBI and the ATF that murdered the litte kids,all under orders from Janet Reno, just like at Ruby Ridge when FBI sharpshooters murdered a unarmed defensless woman, and her son.

Captain_Steel said:

I never thought I'd see the day that terrorists would take little kids hostage and kill them.

I guess except for that Waco shit way back when....But that was like a psycho cult I thought...QUOTE]
Mabye we should be looking at Isreal's terrorism? one of the worst human rights violaters of any nation. Oh but wait there our allies even if they are spying on us.

"You say Liberal like its a bad thing" :D
I have had it with this cry of compassion from liberals.
They are the ones hurting this country.
and oh yeah, I 'd rather see a Crazy Jew with a nuke
then any Arab alive, anyday.
Buzzard said:
I have had it with this cry of compassion from liberals.
They are the ones hurting this country.
and oh yeah, I 'd rather see a Crazy Jew with a nuke
then any Arab alive, anyday.

The fact is i think we could seriously cut the terrorism theart down if we stop supporting Israel with weapons. This policy is the main reason our country is so hated in the Middle East. Maybe we should actually work out a peace plan with both the Jews and Palistinians.

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
Although i agree that peace between Israel and the Palistinians would help the situation a lot, i don't believe that we would be any less hated for supporting Israel. I think its too late and besides everytime there is a "truce" between those two some maniac blows himself up on a crowded bus because he thinks that will send him to "paradise." The problem lies with Islam and no where else. These fucks hate anyone that doesn't follow their beliefs the same way they do and believe they will be rewarded for killing all of us the infidels. As a country, we need to step on some toes and hurt some peoples feelings and take care of our citizens by cracking down on these crazy assholes coming into our country, getting on our planes, and plotting to blow shit up.
Haha i know plenty of Muslims and arabs some even live in my own comunity and shit they have never attempted to kill me cuz i dont follow their belifes. To blame one Ethnicity/Realigion is not only ignoratnt its a Hitler like maintality.

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
I'm not in any way saying we should exterminate them like Hitler did to the Jews, i'm saying we need to protect ourselves from future attacks by just letting anyone into the country. If this means racial profiling then so be it.
As_those_palaces_Burn said:
Haha i know plenty of Muslims and arabs some even live in my own comunity and shit they have never attempted to kill me cuz i dont follow their belifes. To blame one Ethnicity/Realigion is not only ignoratnt its a Hitler like maintality.

You say Liberal like its a bad thing :D
When was the last time you hung out with them?
when was the last time one of them stoped you on the street just to chit chat?

Just to let you know they dont like you,(hate is probley a better word) they hate what you stand for, most of them would sooner piss on you then talk to you.

There are very few jawas out there that are peace loving and will live side by side with Christians.Most of the mare taught at a very young age to hate Jews ,Christians, and the west period.

Go ahead take a trip to the middle east............... and we will be watching a video of you getting your head cut off. This is not a Hitler like mentality, it is a realistic mentality.
Buzzard said:
I have had it with this cry of compassion from liberals.
They are the ones hurting this country.
and oh yeah, I 'd rather see a Crazy Jew with a nuke
then any Arab alive, anyday.
Would you say this to your friend Omar whose pics I saw on your page?:OMG:
Well to get back on topic, these scumbags slaughtered innocent children and their parents in the name of islam. Lets not forget that, its a fact. These assholes, and any others that think like they do or support their fanatical beliefs need to be eliminated. Plain and simple!
johnnieCzech said:
Would you say this to your friend Omar whose pics I saw on your page?:OMG:

Omar is Cloumbian. I call him the arabic dj, and of course I say to friends who are very liberal and I have some islamic friends. I tell them to their faces that Liberalism is communism and it is. And Allah is a pig fucker.
I could care less if it offends them. I have a right to speak my mind.
You on the other hand if you have a problem with me maybe you should fuck off and go suck off Anthrax. Their is no room for a Anthrax FAnboy here.
Buzzard said:
Omar is Cloumbian. I call him the arabic dj, and of course I say to friends who are very liberal and I have some islamic friends. I tell them to their faces that Liberalism is communism and it is. And Allah is a pig fucker.
I could care less if it offends them. I have a right to speak my mind.
You on the other hand if you have a problem with me maybe you should fuck off and go suck off Anthrax. Their is no room for a Anthrax FAnboy here.
Hey , hey , hey, not all of us "fanboys" are twits. Just the ones who need to stop beating there shit at night to pics of Scott.
Now I was wondering what the fuck is considerd liberal and conservative these days. And why the hell can't a guy be liberal on some issues while conservative on others with out starting a shit storm.