Terrorist Strike in Madrid

Heres my 2 cents, acutally, i;m scottish, that should be Two Pence, but anyway.

What happened in madrid sucked, but "Its so wrong to kill people" then following with "these terrorist bnastards should be killed on the spot" is a bit hypocritical dont you think????

You may all hate the US for being a big bully in the world ecomomy and the fact they are run by a downssyndrome racoon but without their presence, it would be a free for all warzone.

The US military is what keeps this shit from happening so often so guys, shut the fuck up and just respect the inncoent people who lost their lives in the blast and not take the US' presence in the world for granted.
Stun said:
If after WWII, the US had just stayed the fuck out of other countries' affairs, we'd all be so much better off today. Unfortunately for everyone, they've taken on the role of the earth's "big brother", doing as they see fit for "the good of all"... too bad "all" seems to mean the top 1% of the richest and most powerful ppl in America, cause they're the only ones who come out ahead.

Yes, look how well we did without them. Two fucking World Wars.
HEre is my other points, call me harsh, i dont care.

Its time to face facts, this is not the worst injustice the world has ever seen.

In Northern ireland, this shit happens all the time, except rather than subways, Kids schools, public buildings etc are targeted.
This, like sept 11th however, sucks but, unlike sept 11th, i trust the Spannish public to not succumb to what the Terrorists want and disrupt their lifestyles too much.
This sept 11th shit, although bad, holy christ, its over, its done, there is fuck all you can do about it, all you are doing by crying about it is giving into the terrorists.
Now, i have as much sympathy for the inncoent dead people as everyone else but holy christ, this is not the worst injustice the world has ever seen, neither is sept 11th?

Sept 11th: 2 buildings cripped, 2 planes, and a few hundred folk.

In africa, millions die due to lack of celan water, sanitation and disease each year, tell me, whats worse?
City life being disrupted while people cry into their computers and watch the disaster on TV or people who haven't even got clean water?
Holy christ, this shit happened in london a few years back to an apt. block, it was on the news a few weeks then forgotten, stop making a big deal, no ammount of nationalistic pride is gonna stop a bomb.
Just cause you wear a US flag tatood on your nutsack doesn't mean that when a terrorist attacks you are going to be protected.

The point in this post is.

Worse things happen in the world, i understand to those who are sad and i do think its bad, but jesus christ, just be lucky that you have something to attack rather than 4000 miles of desert.
As spellbound pointed out to me on MSN.
More people die per month in carcrashes than as victims of terrorist attacks, where is the national pride day for them?
the reason america gets involved in other countries shit is because of one person. . . HITLER. . .and one event. . . THE HOLOCAUST.

Plain and simple, we saw that shit. . .and we said "we cant ever let this happen again"
and we are trying not to. . . trouble is. . . its happeneing anyway. . .and there are two views on this
1) "wtay the fuck out of countires affaris and let them oust their own ruler if he is killing everyone. . "
2) "why didnt america stop that madman from killing all those innocent people"

it is a paradox, and no one can be happy with either opinion. sorry.

On terrorism, certain groups of people: muslim fundamentalists, christian fundamentalists, and just plain guys from montana, are going to make live in this world very interesting for a long time.
"Plain and simple, we saw that shit. . .and we said "we cant ever let this happen again"
and we are trying not to. . . trouble is. . . its happeneing anyway. . .and there are two views on this
1) "wtay the fuck out of countires affaris and let them oust their own ruler if he is killing everyone. . "
2) "why didnt america stop that madman from killing all those innocent people""

bob has a point.
And you guys moan about America bombing the shit out of Iraq?
So you'd rather that sand rat fuck Saddam has biochemical weapons yeah?
By that you are supporting terrorism
America, or rather, the fear of America, funnily enough, is what keepsmost of the Middle East in order.
Everyone has a point except for one thing: that America is reducing war and strife in the world. :err: Wow, I can't believe non-Americans actually believe that. Guess who gave Saddam missile technology and technical advice on how to use its chemical weapons against Iran in the 80's... oh yeah, the United fucking States. They've done a lot of fucked up shit that we know of, and definitely a lot more stuff that we'll never know... it's actually scary how messed up the US government is. Saying that the US is helping things is stupid, because even [I[if[/I] what they are doing right now helps the situation, which I don't believe for a moment it is, the fact remains that they were originally a huge factor in the rise of terrorism (hmm Israel anyone? Now and then...). It's so bad that a large number of Muslims (I don't know the percentage) believe that there is a huge global conspiracy of jewish leaders and Western nations that want to subvert the world to their will. :yell:
Dude, the US acts as a deterrant, i mean, most arabic nations wont do shit cause they know that if they do, Trigger HAppy Bush will blow them to shit.
Arabs are scared of the US in that they know they cannot win.
Stun said:
Everyone has a point except for one thing: that America is reducing war and strife in the world. :err: Wow, I can't believe non-Americans actually believe that. Guess who gave Saddam missile technology and technical advice on how to use its chemical weapons against Iran in the 80's... oh yeah, the United fucking States. They've done a lot of fucked up shit that we know of, and definitely a lot more stuff that we'll never know... it's actually scary how messed up the US government is. Saying that the US is helping things is stupid, because even [I[if[/I] what they are doing right now helps the situation, which I don't believe for a moment it is, the fact remains that they were originally a huge factor in the rise of terrorism (hmm Israel anyone? Now and then...). It's so bad that a large number of Muslims (I don't know the percentage) believe that there is a huge global conspiracy of jewish leaders and Western nations that want to subvert the world to their will. :yell:

Well, what do we know about just that? Can you tell me what the world would be like if the USA had never become such a superpower? I thought not.
I believe we would've seen a more violent and unstable world today had it not been for the USA. I don't like their government any more than you do, but still, they are good to have, in some perverted way.

I do disagree somewhat with Gavin, tho. Yes, the Arabs are afraid of the USA and the Western world, and that is excactly why they use terrorism, because they cannot win. If we had a less firm and selfish USA, I think we would see far less terrorism.

And if the Jews could get Israel back, why shouldn't the Indians get their American continent back?
which would you rather have. . .
a bunch of crazy muslim strict constructionist asshole suicide solution bombing religios fanatics. . .
or. . .
a bunch of people promoting others to "think for themselves" and rise against tyranny?
@NeedledWarheart: The extremists think that God is on their side, and that if they die in the jihad, they will live in paradise forever... and you're trying to tell me they're so scared of the US they won't resist? Do you know what jihad means? Holy war. Think about it man, there are suicide bombers out there... the fear gaves them the courage to do it. They fear the US are subverting the world to their 'infidel' ways, and they will stop at nothing to try to defeat the Americans.

@theSomberlain: well I believe the world would've been better off if the America hadn't gotten into and started so many pointless wars. And I think they should've removed Saddam from power the first time they had trouble with him. But hey, we'll never really know... it seems to me that war only propagates war, which can be seen throughout our entire span of history.
TheSomberlain said:
why shouldn't the Indians get their American continent back?
because our forefathers wiped em all out. . . buncha cocksuckers (forefathers, not indians)
Stun said:
@NeedledWarheart: The extremists think that God is on their side, and that if they die in the jihad, they will live in paradise forever... and you're trying to tell me they're so scared of the US they won't resist? Do you know what jihad means? Holy war. Think about it man, there are suicide bombers out there... the fear gaves them the courage to do it. They fear the US are subverting the world to their 'infidel' ways, and they will stop at nothing to try to defeat the Americans.

@theSomberlain: well I believe the world would've been better off if the America hadn't gotten into and started so many pointless wars. And I think they should've removed Saddam from power the first time they had trouble with him. But hey, we'll never really know... it seems to me that war only propagates war, which can be seen throughout our entire span of history.

Well dude, missed my point, i said nations not individuals.
Arabic Nations i'm sure would all like a pop at the USA, but they wont becauseobviously they would be owned.
And in the case of a lot of countries, terrorists work for god not the government, there is an extreme difference.

And dude, what pointless wars????
Would you rather Saddam had biochem weapons?
I sure as hell dont want my ass fried by some fag with an itchy trigger finger.
Dude, this shit doesn't even concern 90% of americans and yet they moan.
If you dont agree with military action, dont join the fucking army.
Its not like you are being hauled to iraq aainst your will.
People who fight for their country do, whats why we dont have conscription anymore.
And dude, obvioously people agree with wasting shitty nations due to the threat they pose on other nations.... Thats why people went to iraq and fought.
JEsus i hate these american fucks who are like "We shoudln't go to war with iraq", has this shit personally affected you ? if you didn't have TVs or radios or read the news paper, you wouldn't even know what was going on.
The majority of the American public seem to believe that they are the most important people in the world.
Nothing pisses me off than these gay ANti War rallies, in fact, nothing pisses me off than these little fucks who think they can control other peoples lives.
This counts for ANti Abortion, hell if a woman wants a fucking abortion, let her have it!.
GM Crops- What the hell? you are modifying DNA, unless you implant it with disease, nothing can happen, these crops are grown to improve the lives of farmers (can survive harsher conditions so can give bugger yields to struggling farmers).
and are cheaper.
This Organic Food shite is just some clever fuck realising he can capitalise on the stupidity of naturalists.
To close.
If you dontlike being at war with anyone, dont join the army.
the real problem here, at least, the way i see it is that both sides think they're doing the right thing. America views itself as a defender of democracy, and feels it should spread democracy to the rest of the world (which is ironic since we're a republic...don't tell georgie). in the case of muslim terrorists, they view themselves as defenders of islam, and feel they must spread islam to the rest of the world. the issue here is that there is, unfortunately, no clear right or wrong, particularly since most of the world isn't on either side.
-DUBYA SCARED (DARE I SAY) TERRIFIED THIS COUNTRY INTO WAR WITH IRAQ "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."- (George W. Bush Saddam 12-hour warning speech)
Bottom line American out-of-country-politics are mad, always defending Israel, replacing old dictators with new, aiding contraband you name it they've done it! IMO I would have that stupid fucking bush family newtered. America IS going to be the cause of much more pain to come. I do feel for the Spanish people, as their cocksucking politicians went against the wishes of the people, wait a minute the same people that granted them the power and... they still went to war!!! Kill the fucking career-whore-politicians and a lot of problems get solved.

@Denmark you sent a submarine! :lol: not so funny now though, right...