Terrorist Strike in Madrid

Nations are made up of individuals. It makes no difference if the government will do nothing, because individuals can and will. How many suicide bombers have sacrificed themselves so far? How many more will? And plus, some middle eastern governments can and have financed terrorism before.

Hmm, have you been living under a rock your whole life? :) What pointless wars? Hmm, lets see, just about all of them? I'll name an obvious one: Vietnam. That crippled American relations with Asians and is still dividing the US today...

Uh, Saddam wouldn't have had biochemical weapons if the US hadn't have allowed him to. There were US intelligence experts sitting with Saddam's officers advising them on their chemical weapons, with the full knowledge that they were going to be used on Iran, and that innocent civilians would be killed... this has been confirmed by generals and other military officials. They fucked up bad, and Bush took them to war again to try to fix their mistakes. Saddam should never have been allowed to stay in power, and Astynax said about the dictators is completely true; the US wanted Saddam in power back then. If dictators don't do anything directly against the US's wishes they look the other way... oh yeah, plus the fact that he doesn't have any of the friggin 100's of stockpiles the US -knew- he had hidden.

"This shit doesn't concern 90% of Americans"... ????????????????????? Uh, maybe you meant "terrorism is the #1 priority on 90% of Americans minds", cause it is. :err: Please explain what you mean, cause that statement made you look pretty stupid. Hmm another one: "nothing pisses me off than these little fucks who think they can control other peoples lives." But big fucks like Bush should be allowed to pull whole nations into war, or something...? ... it has nothing to do with me having to fight, I live in Canada, not the US... I care about all the people who lost their lives for no reason. Actually, there is a reason: the US helped Saddam stay in power and then chose not to remove him from power later...

Man, a piece of advice: research your facts before you start throwing your opinions around on politics. As for your view on this, it was pretty obvious you didn't really care, otherwise you would've taken the time to actually maybe research what you were talking about.

Thrymfal, you've got it right on the money... 100% correct.
Thrymfal said:
the real problem here, at least, the way i see it is that both sides think they're doing the right thing. America views itself as a defender of democracy, and feels it should spread democracy to the rest of the world (which is ironic since we're a republic...don't tell georgie). in the case of muslim terrorists, they view themselves as defenders of islam, and feel they must spread islam to the rest of the world. the issue here is that there is, unfortunately, no clear right or wrong, particularly since most of the world isn't on either side.

You kinda hit the spot.
Western countries are pushing western values and traditions onto arabic countries. What we need is to understand that they have a different way of thinking. We can't push democracy and market economy on everybody, just because it benefits us.
It all boils down to money.

So these people, fighting for their traditions and religions, use desperate methods against an enemy that outpowers them by far. This is especially clear in Israel. With some modifications, Israel vs Palestina can be seen as a mini-version of The Western World vs The Arabic World.

Instead of bombing these supposed terrorists and dictators to pieces, try diplomatic ways. Abandon the foolish "we do not negotiate with terrorists"-thing. Try to understand their ways instead.
TheSomberlain said:
You kinda hit the spot.
Western countries are pushing western values and traditions onto arabic countries. What we need is to understand that they have a different way of thinking. We can't push democracy and market economy on everybody, just because it benefits us.
It all boils down to money.

So these people, fighting for their traditions and religions, use desperate methods against an enemy that outpowers them by far. This is especially clear in Israel. With some modifications, Israel vs Palestina can be seen as a mini-version of The Western World vs The Arabic World.

Instead of bombing these supposed terrorists and dictators to pieces, try diplomatic ways. Abandon the foolish "we do not negotiate with terrorists"-thing. Try to understand their ways instead.

It seems like a time to lighten up the conversation with a joke:

George W. Bush was on a visit in UK. Tony Blair met him and asked:
- Well, George, what are you doing next week?
George answers:
- Well, nothing really special. My only scheduled task is to kill 10 000 people in Iraq and one fish salesman in London.
Tony Blair:
- WHAT?? Why are you killing a fish salesman in London???
George W. Bush:


And now, don't anyone go taking this too seriously.

Stun said:
"This shit doesn't concern 90% of Americans"... ????????????????????? Uh, maybe you meant "terrorism is the #1 priority on 90% of Americans minds", cause it is. :err: Please explain what you mean, cause that statement made you look pretty stupid. Hmm another one: "nothing pisses me off than these little fucks who think they can control other peoples lives." But big fucks like Bush should be allowed to pull whole nations into war, or something...? ... it has nothing to do with me having to fight, I live in Canada, not the US... I care about all the people who lost their lives for no reason. Actually, there is a reason: the US helped Saddam stay in power and then chose not to remove him from power later...

Man, a piece of advice: research your facts before you start throwing your opinions around on politics. As for your view on this, it was pretty obvious you didn't really care, otherwise you would've taken the time to actually maybe research what you were talking about.

"-"This shit doesn't concern 90% of Americans"... ????????????????????? Uh, maybe you meant "terrorism is the #1 priority on 90% of Americans minds", cause it is. :err: Please explain what you mean, cause that statement made you look pretty stupid."

My point was, how many of these people that go about screaming "KILL AFGHANISTAN!" were personally involved in the towers incident?
90% of americans (Percentage is probably higher) had no family lost in that blast yet still cry as if AL Queda *(spelling?)* personally few into their house, gave their dog a blowjob and kicked them in the nuts.
Basically, a bunch of Blank people lost their lives, how is it any different from a car full of school kids being nailed off the road by a drunk driver?
Where is the ceremony for them?
But when its a personal attack, people care, people think that having rememberance ceremonies will fix things.
All this does is shows weakness and an inability to GET OVER IT!
As i said, Nationalistic pride will take you so far, mourning for something that happend 5thousand miles away wont rebuild the towers or bring back the lives lost.
A country filled with semi -brave people would get their asses out to NY and help rebuild the towers and return life to normal, but now we have to have this shit as a contant reminder.
Scottish firefighters flew out to help the US.
We didn't sit and cry, we took the initiative(Spelling?) to go and help thoe guys.
When this shit happened in london but with a bomb, where was the US firefighters? OH wait, it was another country.
I am sick of having all this 9/11 shit on our TV in september, in our news papers affecting our lives, if it happened to us, or more likely, england, it would be a different story, it would jsut be sad. not a tragedy.
Fact of the matter is, the American public think that the greatest injustice ever has been put upon them, two buildins down and lives lost.
Lets not forget this happens everywhere soemtimes on a daily basis, they should count themselves fucking lucky.
Look at the troubles in N. Ireland with the IRA, or the Isreal/palistine(i think) Shit.
To america, thats not a tragedy, its not on their turf, who cares.... Fuck them.
Now i'm not saying i give a damn, countries can blow the shit out of each other if they want, i dont care, but scoffing at other countries then being outraged when it happens to you is fucking stupid.
If something like this happened in scotland, we're be pissed, sad then fix our lives back. Americans are crying for sympathy.
This doesn't count for anyone who lost a family member in the attack, i have lots of sympathy for them, that fucking sucks, BUT! This is geared at your pseudo-patriot who, after 9/11 has now all this lvoe for the coutnry because they know they will get synpathy for it.
all i see here is a bunch of pc bitches. love and peace man, you dirty hippies.

Stun said:
I always find it sad when ppl say "who cares there's too many ppl anyway". It may be true that the world is overcrowded and we are ruining the earth... but if you had to have your legs amputated from one of these bombs or saw your entire family killed, somehow I bet you'd think differently. :Smug:

nope not really. id be pissed because they harmed my bloodline but my opinion would not change. whore.

when did the world become a bunch of whiny cunts? boo hoo hoo .00000000001 % of the population died lets all get down and cry. boo hoo hoo. we need another good war. a real war.

lets all cry for the human race :cry: :mad:
@Needled: I understand what you're talking about man, and agree with basically everything... except that the US, overall, is helping the world. I believe they are one of the biggest causes of strife today. But hey, it's hard to tell, since like we've said they've caused a lot of shit and fixed a lot of shit (or at least tried to).

@SilentNight: :rolleyes: Okay dude, whatever, I've sure if you saw your entire family killed you'd say "meh, they're only people"... maybe one day someone will shoot your wife in cold blood, or something, and then you will understand... hopefully it wouldn't take such a thing to convince you (but I doubt it, since apparently you're one of those ppl who are too "cool" to care about death until it personally affects your life). Nice insults by the way, it made you look soooo much more intelligent!
thats right damn it i didnt come here to look intelligent i came here to rock. so sorry that unlike some i dont have to always try and press my intelligence on others. ooh look at me im so smart. i came to rock not prove my intelligence. im not too cool for anything i just could give a rats ass about the scum covering this planet. now if for example that were 200 or so moose or something useful now then i would give two shakes of a goats cock.
oh and by the way i dont actually have any family and i never will. i dont need anyone weighing me down.
SilentNightThrobbongNight said:
now if for example that were 200 or so moose or something useful now then i would give two shakes of a goats cock.
oh and by the way i dont actually have any family and i never will. i dont need anyone weighing me down.

Wtf are you talking about? Moose?

Hmm, so you must be Jesus Christ himself returned from the sky... actually even he had a family too. So how exactly were you created? Did a bunch of atoms just happen to spontaneously combine into human form and create you, without any other humans invovled? :rolleyes: "Don't need anyone weighing me down" hahahahhah awwwww now aren't you the most badass motherfucka on the planet! Wait, so that must mean you don't have any or want any friends... or maybe you're just saying that to try to be cool. Which you are.

Man, oh man... you're way outta my league... I think I'm done. :lol:
Stun said:
The extremists think that God is on their side, and that if they die in the jihad, they will live in paradise forever...
Hell, who can resist temptation to come suicidebomber if sure that get all the virgins and stuff they promise. They just have great propaganda and good audience for that. I hate Islam even more than Christianity. Shame that Jesus didn't told that you go straight to Heaven if you blow yourself up in middle of Arabs.
Shame? We would probably be in a much worse situation then...

Well Allah never said that either, they are twisiting the words from their original meaning... I've actually researched it. Religion fascinates, baffles, and disturbs me.
"i can imagine osama dying and going to see the allah guy, and george washington comes up to him and kicks him right in the balls. And osama falls to the floor and says "but what about my 71 virgins?" and george washington turns back and says "not virgins, its 71 virginians you asshole" and the rest of the continental congress come over and kick the shit out of him for allllll eternity."

Morbid In Rock said:
Good text in spanish and portuguese...
That text is full of lies. It's not objective at all. I bet it has been written by some ultra-conservative spanish guy.

So, one of his 'brilliant' conclusions is that France might have financed the arab terrorists :Smug: Come on, everybody knows that France has been threatened by Al Qaeda because of banning veils in schools and may be attacked in the future (i hope not)