Testament At The Galaxy! 7-13-06


Mar 28, 2006
Las Vegas
Wow, that was one fucking awesome night, I got to the venue at about 5:30, and waited till the doors opened at about 6:30. Then from there, me and my two of my friends went in, I was a little surprised because they didn't check you for anything (drugs, weapons, etc..) they just took part of you're ticket and you went in. I got to the very front, but also to the very left, so I was right in front of a huge speaker (my ears are still ringing) so I went and got a couple t-shirts before they were sold out. I got a Disciples Of The Watch/Tour T-shirt, and The New Order t-shirt, both are fucking awesome. So I went back and eventually, around 8:15, the first band, Dyer went on. I liked them, they were pretty good. Then came Predation, alright, but nothing great. Now came Sadistic Intent. And I have to say, these guys were fucking awesome, fog was going all over the place and shit, I really liked them. But then, came fucking Testament! The crowd started chanting TESTAMENT TESTAMENT TESTAMENT! And then they all walked on stage, Chuck, Alex, Greg, Eric, and Paul. If you don't know, Louie Clemente, the orginal drummer was getting surgery or something so, Paul Bostaph, from Exodus, filled in, and he fucking did great. I was singing along the whole time, and I was even close enough to the stage that I touched Alex's guitar! And when I looked around, the place was fucking packed!

Anyways, the setlist is something like this, but I'm not sure:


I know Burnt Offerings is in there somewhere, and Alone In The Dark might not be in the right place, but whatever.

But anyways, I loved the concert, it was awesome!
ANGELofMADnesS said:
and I was even close enough to the stage that I touched Alex's guitar!

But anyways, I loved the concert, it was awesome!


I touched Eric's guitar, like 5 fucking times, and grabbed his hand, fucking killer show! Best I've ever been to, me and my buds even got to meet them after the show at the bus, god they are fucking cool people! Unpretentious as hell, just so cool, I accidentally squeezed Alex's hand a bit cos I'm an idiot and forgot he just came off playing the show, shook Chuck's hand, he's a fucking bear I swear, just huge and so peaceful looking. I got my "Legacy" disc signed, and split, had to work... Fuck the show was awesome, I was on far right, right in front of the speakers, I swear to god these two chicks next to me have got to be the biggest fans, they screamed every word, Chuck noticed the dark haired hottie singing and extended the mic to her, she knew every fucking word, I wish I did, I was just thrashing around and singing when I remembered lyrics, lol... Awesome show!:rock:
I think I was right behind dirt at the very beginning in the front center. I am a big guitar enthusiest, and my eyes were locked on skolnick's guitar for almost the entire show. I think I learned more last night then I did in a year of studying/practicing. Unfortunatly, I was so enthralled with the skolnick/peterson combo that I totally forgot to take notice of the drumming! I am ashamed to admit that I can honestly not recall a single bit of paul's performance!

I have only seen testament once before (a couple years ago at the palace) when they opened for Iced Earth? It was a while ago, and I was there pretty much only to see testament, so I am a little fuzzy on this. Anyways, I was disappointed because there was absolutly no pit. I did get close, but there was absolutly no crowd response. Very disappointed first show. I must admit though, that last night's show COMPLETELY made up for it. I would probably rate it in top 5 shows I have ever seen, and that is saying something. It probably would have taken the number 1 or 2 spot had the audio been better, but that is most likely a venue issue.

If anyone is still debating if they should get tickets or not, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!
i was in the middle, screaming and singing :)
man! it was soooo fucking hot in the front that i only lasted half their set there, i had to go to the bar and buy some water and then went to the exit door to catch some fresh air, nevertheless it was a great fucking show and right after the show i went to the bus to get my LPs signed and then went home, slept for 3 hours and went to work, hehehehe.