Testament biker shirt suggestion.

May 25, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
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I recently purchased the Testament's Biker shirt (which kicks muthafuckin ass btw :grin: ) , but i for myself live far from Oakland,CA, and it being a biker shirt it has to represent where you're from, right? Well i was wondering if, let's say for a few bucks more, if it would be possible to customize the 'area' part representing on the lower part of the shirt by wherever the person purchasing the shirt lives.

Ex: I live in Quebec. Well if it would say Quebec,CAN or Montreal,QC at the bottom instead of Oakland,CA, i think that would be fucking badass, no? So if there's ever a gathering of Testament fans somewhere,(in the Bay Area most likely) ppl could wear this shirt if they have it, and this way it could really show that Testament has fans all over the fucking place. It's just a thought i had.
Exactly, that's the whole point. It's like when you get a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt, it says what Hard Rock you got it at. Testament just happens to be Oakland :)