Testament CD?

Our local record store didn't seem to have it, either, even though they seem to focus on metal... Real metal isn't their thing, I guess. When I asked about it, they were like "Yeah, we don't carry a lot of Christian metal, man... It's not very brutal" and I just facepalmed.
I was really impressed with the new Testament disc. It's no "New Order" or "Gathering", but it has quite a few headbanging tunes. At least you can say Testament stays pretty true to their roots and isn't watering down the sound as they age (*cough*metallica*cough*). I mean, come on... how many bands would go the death metal route like they did on Demonic as opposed to making some lame, radio-friendly album the appeases the brainless masses.

Anyway, I need to get out and buy it... at least now I know to stay away from Best Buy. Hell, I'll probably just order it on Amazon.
I'm not too happy with Best Buy these days either, at least the one here in Schaumburb. Finally gave up on trying to get the new Amorphis there and finally got it tonight along with some other stuff like...

*heads over to CDs thread*