Testament kick sample with dm5?


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
well the band I'm working with wants the Testament gathering kick sound. Now we have a dm5 and on the Testament forum here it says there was a blend of Fusion and Monster. I see Fusion kick on the dm5 list but I see no Monster unless I'm missing something.

here is the list for the dm5 http://www.alesis.com/downloads/manuals/DM5_SoundChart.pdf

I'm not sure if its legal but i tried the dm4 soundfont thing with no luck so i was wondering if anyone can post the monster sample from dm4 or maybe both only if its legal.
Why would i tell a paying client to fuck off?

I guess mastering engineers should tell you to fuck off and get your own sound when you give them a reference CD for what your aiming for. There is nothing wrong with getting your own unique sound but if someone wants a particular sound why not try and deliver the best you can?
That kick is one of the best kick sounds ever.

I'm currently burning my Testament library to iTunes and god damn it you couldn't ask for a better sound than that album as far as heavy, insane balls out goes hahaha

I remember buying that album when I was 17 and just being blown away.
That kick is one of the best kick sounds ever.

I'm currently burning my Testament library to iTunes and god damn it you couldn't ask for a better sound than that album as far as heavy, insane balls out goes hahaha

I remember buying that album when I was 17 and just being blown away.

I totaly agree!!
Andy picked the sounds and we sampled them into my Kurzweil, mapped them across a couple keys, and then i played the keys together a bunch of times while andy captured the output.... did a bunch to get just a couple that were in good phase. then of course he eq'd that in the mix. beyond that my memories a bit fuzzy.... i was already starting to get sick at that point.
i was in high school at the time when that record came out and didn't understand a thing about the production aspect of anythign really. i could just generally tell oh this sounds good and that soudns good, not that i even considered it. but that album when it came out was the first time i ever really took notice of how much better somethign sounded. i remember i would rock it with me wherever i went and just play it for people. as a sign of my ignorance i used to think that somehow the band and their gear was responsible for the sound. this was around the time i was taking a strong liking towards guitar and stuff, so i thought that wow these guys must have really good amps it sounds so good. stupid me.

though it's been almost a decade that album still shows you how awesome andy and james are at what they do. i also was blown away when i saw that testament video of andy doing the tracking in that like garage studio or whever it was. i think they had the ghost as a console and that really hit home how much talent is needed to do what we all want to do because that album sounds like it was recorded in a multi million dollar studio but if you ever watched the video it totally destorys that premonition.
dm4 never existed.. you'll have a better chance of finding the samples searching under d4.

:lol: I don't know why i keep typing dm4 i did this in google for like an hour the other day (even knowing its a d4) and then finally realized that i was typing the wrong thing. But its like a weired habit that i keep calling it dm4.

So let me rephrase my question. Is the a link to get d4 wav samples online?
I have an off and on topic question. Was it the Monster or the Monster Rm sample off the D4 that was used in conjunction with the Fusion sound on The Gathering? It would make sense to me to use the dry sounds and then apply whatever verb to the buss later to keep things uniform. The Monster sound dry doesnt sound that much different to me than the Fusion setting, maybe a little boomier but not much.