Testament needs to do something about their live sound


Feb 15, 2002
Malden, MA
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Now Testament is my favorite band and I'm not doing this thread to bash, but to bring this to their attention incase they are completely oblivious to it. Almost every review I have read of their metal masters shows / off dates have stated what bad sound they had. I went onto their myspace today and this is what I see:

Saw you guys in Worcester on Thursday. You all played phenomenally! Special thanks to Paul for signing my ticket at the bar before the show, you are a god (Scarstruck). One complaint though, I drove for five hours one way to see the show and the meathead running the mixing board ruined the sound with WAY too much bass. I could barely hear the guitars. You played a great show, the performance was incredible, it's just too bad that Raymond was cranking on the suck knob the whole time. It was still an incredible show though, I would definitely go again.


My favorite thrash band of all time. Saw you at the palladium in worcester. I am sorry to say that the sound was the worst I have ever heard. I know you guys were killing it, but your soundman should be fired immediately. We stood directly by the board and all I could hear was bass. People were leaving because of it. I love you guys, but man, your soundman needs to find a new job. Very bummed out. I am not ragging on the band, so no hate mail please. Just very bummed out...

Here's a review I found on another site from the metal masters show in Pittsburg on Saturday:

Went to this show Saturday. Now I am not really keen on 8 hour shows these days but I could not resist this one. I am not posting setlists as they are the same as the last few.....except for Testament who I have KNOW IDEA what they played because it was mixed so shitty.
TESTAMENT - I didn't know much Testament going in. I still don't. The MIX was so horrible you couldn't understand a word or even hear the guitars. All you could hear was bass and drums. The lyrics just sounded like I guy trying to take a hard shit. Their sound man should be fired. Somebody hit the SUCK button for them. 30 minutes of pure crap.

Like I stated above, they're my favorite band so I'm not doing this to be negative, I want to bring this to their attention. I'm not in a band so I have no idea what the hell Testament hears while they are onstage, but what we hear is not good! I went to the Worcester show on 8/14 as well and it was a fucking blast, but you could barely make out the songs. If I didn't know them coming in I would have had no idea what they were playing. Hopefully this get's addressed and they can fix it ASAP. Like I said I've seen this written a lot about their recent shows and it sucks because a lot of people are walking away from the metal masters show's saying "They played good, but the mix was so bad I couldn't understand anything". Testament packed the Palladium in Worcester, so I have no doubt they’ll want to come back, but this needs to be fixed! Can’t wait for the next time!
Yeah, the sound at the graspop festival was crap too, but I blamed that on the tent where they were playing. But I've heared more complaints about the live sound...too bad, cause that is what makes or breaks an awesome performance.
When I saw Testament in London at the Islington Academy the sound was top notch - CD quality like. One of the best sounds I have heard in concert.

You're lucky then! Like I said, the sound for my show a few days ago was pretty bad, but I was seeing my favorite band so I didn't really care it was still awesome! But I've just seeing way too many complaints about it where I feel like I should have said something!
I remember posts and reviews like that all during the between of the Gathering untill now.I can't verify it personally.But it seems a lot of people say they were great but the sound sucks.I have a shit load of their bootlegs and always thought it was a cheap camera.But maybe not.It sure sounds like someone needs fireing.
That's a great thread! I keep reading reviews like that all the time and have experienced that a couple of times myself. Even when they're the headliner their sound is sometimes worse than the sound the opening bands have. Besides, it always take their sound technicians a really long time to set things up for the band (when they play a festival the gap between Testament and the previous band is usually the longest). They sound too loud and not very selective. Too bad, 'cause they play the best music on Earth.
Last year they played in Budapest (Hungary) in March and the whole sound was echoing, but that was because of the venue i guess, which lokked like a barn and didn't fit for metal shows. This year i saw them in Sibiu (Romania), and though the bass was loud, it was way better then in Hungary, and i could actually enjoy it. It was a fuckin' great show!!!! One of my favourite bands. :kickass:
Good thread, I've been asking the same question when experiencing it and reading some reviews...
It also depends on where you stand at the show.
When I saw Testament a few months back at BBKing's in new york, the sound was solid. The vocals, guitar solos were clear, and the bass end was powerful but not overwhelming. However, I saw Testament last week on the Metal Master's tour and the sound was awful, I couldn't make out a single guitar solo and it was just this mash of noise. I just assumed it has to do with them being the openers, and probably being rushed with everything and not given time to get the right levels. Definitely sucks to be getting bad sound on such a huge tour though
idk how that happened with you guys but they were awesome at DTE, Almost sounded as good as when they did Powerfest, but I blame that on the Ampitheater.

only way to get a true testament fix is a 90 minute set indoors with the packed crowd going nuts.:kickass:

Though the 30 minute set did bring out something new. They played Formation of Damnation (track) live. So far both my experiences with Testament have been epic.
I saw the Worcester Palladium show as well, and I'd just like to confirm that the sound was completely awful. You could BARELY even tell when solos started.

Performance was great despite it, but really, something must be done.
idk how that happened with you guys but they were awesome at DTE, Almost sounded as good as when they did Powerfest, but I blame that on the Ampitheater.

only way to get a true testament fix is a 90 minute set indoors with the packed crowd going nuts.:kickass:

Though the 30 minute set did bring out something new. They played Formation of Damnation (track) live. So far both my experiences with Testament have been epic.

Shit they played Formation! How was it? Like I really need to ask.I wonder how Alex likes playing something that heavy.I hope it makes a statement to him and they do more songs like it for the next album.:)
i was at the worcester show and it was horrible sound wise, loud as fuck which doesnt equate to good sound in that place, i love testament and cant blame them but that was a bullshit show.
Interesting to hear the complaints about the bass & drums being too loud. I went to the DC Metal Masters show at Nissan Pavilion just to hear Testament. Big fan since I bought The Ritual in '92.

Anyway, the sound was actually decent. My biggest complaint was that when Alex soloed, the volume boost was beyond excessive. Yes I want to hear him play every note. But he nearly drowned out the drums & you could barely hear the rhythm guitar. And I believe they added some treble, b/c it was a bit piercing.

Sounds like a contrast to what everyone is saying about the drums & bass drowning out the rest of the band.
Shit they played Formation! How was it? Like I really need to ask.I wonder how Alex likes playing something that heavy.I hope it makes a statement to him and they do more songs like it for the next album.:)

Chuck's vocals sounded just like the studio recording. Spot on with the exception to not having the high pitched layering in the chorus. Try to picture that in a live setting and you'll cream your pants:kickass: