Testament Polish Legions site


Mar 2, 2003
Visit site
ok - since Krawczus said he is open to proposals, and Mike said SuiTommy some time ago he would do that with somebody's help - so maybe now we can move on with this :wave:

i can't deal with comps - but i can help with the news for the site, texts etc

so now it is up to you guys :wave:
im ready, but since 1.9 - now i have work to do (sql work)...
but after 1.9 im open as I said before few times ;)

do you wanna website which gonna look nice, or one that'll be not beautifull but fast etc.?
of course 2 lang.s?

so with who im going to make it?

I can help with all txt etc. but as I said before I don`t know nothing bout WWW.

I think we should start to talk about txt that we do and slowly started to create this,
I have exam on 10.9. but what the hell I can deal with those 2 things :)

and about site think it should look killer and walk fast ;-) hehe
KRawczus and I still cannot enter your site I don`t know why... I even install Opera web browser and still don`t work ... :( we will think about contest of our simple killer site :p
Since you guys started with making your site I feel obligate to inform you about next:

Croatian Legions is starting to organise; I gathered all testament friends under one roof and we decided to do next:
Cro Legions is to be an full force unofficial fan club with different benefits for members, that there is to be a webpage dedicated to Cro Legions with its own web domain, and over that site/fan club there will be organized concert trips, happenings etc.

Again, many thanks :worship: to Polish Legions (especialy soulflypl) for idea and support, you guys rule :kickass:
I guess that somebodu should drop Mike a link to this topic ;) He`s gonna learn about his job as the last one ;) And I think it`d be great to get Skullhead involved, he makes a great graphics - of cuz his t-shirt design is perfect for the TPL main page.
I dont know if you realize but there`s a 3/5 of T`s coverband already among TPLegionaires ;) we just need a bassplayer and a singer...but are there any MFs ready to challenge that? ;)
JimmyPL said:
KRawczus and I still cannot enter your site I don`t know why... I even install Opera web browser and still don`t work ... :(

I have no idea... in fact I hear sth like this 1st time... It's even ok on Linux-Mozila...
I think there may be some problems with your comp... couse as I said before - everything works here just fine...

Could ya tell me whos Mike? Whats his nickname? 'couse I'm afraid that I dont know him?

What's goin' no with HPOE? When he came back from mountains he was here a little, but now his lost again :p Wojtek gdzie jestes?:p

Good start - 2 Legions... (Pl and Cro)... who's gonna be next? : :cool:
Cheers CroLegion!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I'm lurking...
And still recovering.
I'm with you guys and totally support the idea, as well as hail the Croatian Legions, I'm also willing and ready to help with the site's content (texts, revievs, etc.), but I've absolutely no clue how to write in HTML, so that's not where I can contribute to the site.
I dont know if you guys have noticed but on UM board there`s a section "THE SCENES" that contains POLAND section which is completely empty. I think we could spread the word about bands, gig and events taking place in our homeland out there: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=205

Somebody had to begin with life going out out there so I allowed myself to promote Skullhead`s band which name is fav band name of our TL - WhoreHouse :tickled:
I'm technically Polish so I can contribute... uh nothing BUT I have a really nice car.
Well... I think that I have some layout... it needs some more work to put in, but now mosty I'll need content of it all.... simple words: start to write sth... and tell me, what (plus/minus...) do want to put there... what kind of info etc.