Testament/vio-lence/exhumed/vehemence @ Mason Jar Dec. 30th

is this show on? I ask this only because I just got back from vegas where that show was cancelled. Tonight shouldn't be a problem as it was all due to Halford not being able to get back into the country. I hope all bands made it here as being Halford isn't part of this show, it shouldn't be an issue.
Yeah man, I hear ya and that sucks, I wanted to see that gay man Halford haha. I heard he kicks ass live, and for a long time to "Grindderrr"Sucks you went all that way for you to become speechless! But shit happens, was there a refund on that ticket?
I got there & ...the 1st band(forgot their name) waas during mid-set. I went in after them because someone told me Pummel didnt show & Vehemence was next.
Vehemence started...without Mark, cuz he wasnt their yet.
They started early & he showed on time, but not in time for the new schedule change. :D
He played more than half the set w/ 'em though, cuz the set was extended, due to Pummel not showing.
[That was a Nice Treat].

Next was Supposed to be Exhumed, but they werent there...dont know why, but I know some people were HELLA PISSED!

So therefore...Vio-lence right, Wrong...well Kinda.
Their drummer was in the hospital for....something, so he wasnt there to play. They asked the crowd though, if anyone knew any of their songs...cuz the person that did could go up & play 'em.
Apparently no one did, so their guitarist Phil played the 1st song, a tech played the next one, then they attempted a Slayer tune: Black Magic. Played half that, then Phil played another half of a song & they left.

then after WAY TOO LONG of standing around Testament come on w/ John Tempesta(White/Rob Zombie) on drums. They ripped it up for the 5 songs i watched...sorry but I was tired after waiting so long.

If it was Vehemence, then Testament it woulda been great, but Vio-lence souldnt have wasted peoples time with attempting a sloppy 4 song set.

It was cool they tried, but really...they shouldnt have.
Yes, thanks to all that came out to see our show, anyone mind posting our set list, I think it was Kill For God, I Did'nt Kill Her, WCD, Christ, I Fucking Hate You, God Was Created, We Are All Dying, You Don't Have To Be Afraid Anymore, can't remember. !! We played for an hour I think/and stayed on stage. People were yelling out song titles and sound samples. We thought that was cool.