Tested out new toys


Anssi Tenhunen
So, just to let you know, the price for the new gear was total of ~60€, but considering that I think the sound I got out of them was pretty decent. When I get my reamp box back, I'll try them on the Rose of Sharyn DI's, but now you will have to bear with my shoddy playing. Sorry for the super sub par playing, haven't played guitar since November.

left: ESP LTD EC1000 - BOSS NS2 - *mystery toys #1* - Profire 610 - EQ - impulse - highpass and lowpass
right: ESP LTD EC1000 - BOSS NS2 - Ibanez TS9 - *mystery toys #2* - Profire 610 - EQ - impulse


edit: see post #9 what the mystery toys are


edit2: rose of sharyn:

profire - NS2 - TS9 - *box* - profire - eq - impulse

dark: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338211/roseofsharyn_pedals.mp3
bright: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338211/roseofsharyn_pedals2.mp3

Mystery box 1 on the left and Mystery box 2 on the right
Ahjteam.. I dont mean to insult you, but I find it strange that you have been doing FOH(?) for a while, and I've seen you post around here, and you seem to know A LOT about audio, eqs, mics, pres and all that good stuff, but your mixes dont sound THAT good.

Please dont take this the wrong way! :(
Ahjteam.. I dont mean to insult you, but I find it strange that you have been doing FOH(?) for a while, and I've seen you post around here, and you seem to know A LOT about audio, eqs, mics, pres and all that good stuff, but your mixes dont sound THAT good.

Please dont take this the wrong way! :(

It's most likely because I suck as a musician, which means I'm usually just polishing turd :) Also my FOH background is one reason why my studio mixes still suffer, because I hate almost everything above 7khz. I also don't squish my mixes "super loud" like everyone else.

And I also did note that the new guitar gear I tried here cost about 60€
The guitar sound is not bad... A bit too buzzy and saturated for my taste but definitely useable. So what are your new toys?^^
I don't wanna be a dick and I think you contribute a lot to this community, but I don't think it's a matter of polishing turd.

The mix itself sounds really cloudy, the guitars sound a bit bland, the snare and kick have no punch, the bass is too loud etc.

I don't want to sound mean or anything, I'm just being a bit (too?) honest. Maybe you've got monitoring issues to figure out?

(Sorry if this came across too harshly. :/)
Then maybe it'd help reference a Maiden CD or something like that? Closer to what you play and a pretty good classic-sounding production. Just getting your EQs and levels straight with a bit of referencing would help everything to shine through.
Then maybe it'd help reference a Maiden CD or something like that? Closer to what you play and a pretty good classic-sounding production. Just getting your EQs and levels straight with a bit of referencing would help everything to shine through.

Or Alice In Chains...

P-E, I did some slight adjustments and then slammed the mix slighly just for you with the Slate FG-X, does it sound "better" to you? :)


Yup, MetalZone on the left and TS9+DS1 on the right :p
Yeah it does sound better :), but I'd try working a bit on the guitar tone so it cuts through a bit more. I dig how the snare cuts through better now for sure.
'd try working a bit on the guitar tone so it cuts through a bit more

I'll wait for my friend to return my reamp box first, so I don't have to re-play them every time so that I can just tweak. but not bad for the two most hated buzz-pedals, eh? :D

edit: I just tested out and it seems that it sounds pretty normal going straight out from the ProFire :guh: So, I'll test them out on the Rose of Sharyn DI's.