Testing out lolzgregs impulses with some Texas metalrock moody clip :D

Sep 20, 2009
Helsinki Finland
So i got these impulses today and im on a minor flu at the moment so there might be some fuck going on. But i REALLY fell in love to the impulses. I had so much easier time to tweak them. Whaddaya think of the clip? Just drinkin' beer here and making a good time! :kickass:


UPDATE: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7606286/aelijaemae2.mp3 don't really know if i pulled the bass out too much. i tried to clean the instruments a bit and bring some power up. what say you?
Had to pop in here to say thanks to Ape and everyone else for the kind words.

I was actually really excited that Ape contacted me to make him some impulses. His non-mic'd tones are some of the best on this forum IMO, and I think I helped him make them a little better.

Great playing and awesome track. Lay down some vocals, son!
There's just no talent in me to do ANY vocal stuff to be honest :D If there's someone enough drunk to try out then DO IT! Down vibe is obvious for example the reason that i fucking worship that band. Amen! :D
Greg, it's really REALLY nice thing to hear from you. Made my life a bit easier ;)

Where did you get these impulses from?? sound really natrual! We should hook up! I´ve got so many impulses dude im sure we could trade..
If you have women to trade to that'll be alright. Otherwise you should definetly talk to Lolzgreg! I paid money for the impulses and i think his business might die if people share their custom impulses. And i wanna keep these babies alllllll my own as i have the perfect right for that :D Sorry mate! but PM Lolzgreg about custom impulses!