Testing the C1 compresssor


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hi guys, been working in the compression thing lately, maybe it's not a big deal for some of u but i find it really hard to achieve a decent sound, not like... over squashed drum/guitar sound, i used to stick to the waves L1 a lot and it was enough then, but now i want to control the sound a bit more, there's no eq on this short track, just EZdrummer with the kick replaced with drummagog, no bass, and the guitar chain is very simple: guitar > UX1 > hi/lo pass > Amplitube > IR , again, no eq... lemme know if it's sounding right for yer ears in terms of compression... still didn't work on the low end thing, just wanted to get a uniform sounding track... so yeah


The Mix sounds bad ass but I personally would like more definition to the bass. I own C1 but never got good at using it. Could you post a sample of the track without c1 so a comparison could be made?
It doesn't sound bad without the c1 but ya It does make a big difference. It actually helps thicken the guitar tone. Did you use Andy Sneaps settings?
oh noes i forgot about that, just wanted to use the c1 to actually hear it's effect without anything else on the chain, maybe that'll help with the low-mids, right?
It doesn't sound bad without the c1 but ya It does make a big difference. It actually helps thicken the guitar tone. Did you use Andy Sneaps settings?

But I thinks that "Andy Sneap Presets" is for C4 not the C1 and I think Aron Smith explain all about that in one thread ...no remember which.
Any way guitars sound good to me.
yah i thought you meant actually add the c4 in the guitar bus to define the tone a little more, but when i do it , it kind'a loses it's... thing.. you know...

thanks neil, and thanks sparrow dood, i'll try to update with the full song these days