Texas death metal band INIQUITOUS, Suffocation's MIKE SMITH on drums

^Probably because the OP didn't like the mix critiques.

can you blame him? The genre of music calls for a certain style of production which it totally delivers and a bunch of people started tearing the crap out of it and then talking a whole load of rubbish about what they presumed Mike Smith's involvement in the recording.
Ha, our drummer moved to Indiana from SA about 2 years ago, he didn't have much to say about the "scene" down there.
If you're into queensryche, ozzy, judas, then this is the place for you. yeah we have some death metal bands here. but good death metal bands....we don't have much of a scene. The band Iniquitous, I have never heard of until this seed, but I must admit they did a good job.
Holy shit man, some of these comments make it seem like it's unlistenable garbage. Some of you seriously need to
step off your production pedestal.
I guess haters are indeed going to hate, but I think this shit fucking slays. 'Christened In Carnage' is goddamn brutal!

Great to hear Mike outside of Suffocation as well.
Just goes to show that today's generation can't handle music that hasn't been quantised to within an inch of its life and hasn't got the tact.
i am digging the riffs, just man if it was recorded tighter, yeah this would rule hard. all on mikes end it kinda sucks, because the guitars and everything are great
it's loose bit it's got fuckin GROOOOOOOOOOOVE
gonna have to go spin my souls to deny picture disk le FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :D
no i mean it doesn't sound as good as it could alot of the fills don't seem coheesive, (can't spell) kind of annoying.
yeah the fills COULD be a little bit tighter, but they aren't, so why not just appreciate it for what it is?