Goblins be thine.
After a day of more or less active listening I gotta say that TGCD is a very good album indeed. It's not such an instant hit as LFDGD was, from which I had noticed my favourite songs after one or two spins. But this is different. I can't yet say if it's better or worse than Katatonia-album "X", since I haven't listened to it enough or grown into it yet (I don't understand how some of you can be sure that this is better than for example Viva or Last Fair Deal only after a few days of listening). But I bet this will be one of the best albums this year.
TGCD definitely isn't just some background-noise, but something to really concentrate to. Tomorrow I'll go for a walk alone and listen carefully, and we'll get to know each other better.
Favourite bits so far: Always-oh-so-great My Twin, Leaders, Deliberation, July and In The White.
And maybe I can find a place for those Kata-postcards on my wall, I can't seem to be able to decide where to put them...
TGCD definitely isn't just some background-noise, but something to really concentrate to. Tomorrow I'll go for a walk alone and listen carefully, and we'll get to know each other better.

Favourite bits so far: Always-oh-so-great My Twin, Leaders, Deliberation, July and In The White.
And maybe I can find a place for those Kata-postcards on my wall, I can't seem to be able to decide where to put them...