TGCD Lyrics?


Jul 15, 2005
For those of us who got the album off iTunes, where would we be able to find the correct lyrics? All the ones online are incomplete intepretations.
If you wait some time, they'll be up at ... the lyrics there are mostly correct and if not, everyone can mail them the right versions to get the lyrics corrected.

I remember typing down some whole booklets and sending them to :lol: man that was fun... sitting hours and hours and typing.
Actually... I've got nothing to do now... maybe I should ... I mean... I just got TGCD *lol* :hypno:
Incorrect too, I think...

I'm sure the lyrics in Journey Through Pressure are:

The sky moves faster
at this time of year (not "at this time you will")

in Leaders, I hear " Reveal your true self and come forward" not "Reveal your true self and conform"

And Consternation "Saw you ????" "Untill I get there ???? I will be"

Can someone help me out here?
Yah you're right... but in Leaders it's really "Reveal your true self & conform" ...
And in Consternation it's "Saw you in the lampglow
you fade
nothingness incarnate

until I get there
I will be

internal source
stray from course"

Hope that helped... *shrug*
It did, thanks.

Meh, I prefer my take on the Leaders lyircs :P

The Journey Through Pressure ones are beautiful though.