Thank you all for day 2!


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands

Thanks to all the bands and our crew for making day of ProgPower Europe probably the best so far. We had no problems at all this year and the sound was perfect. All the bands gave a fantastic performance and as always we had some surprises, like NOVA ART and VOYAGER. But the other bands were great as well, I think everyone who was there agrees on this.

Once more, thank you all and we really look forward to next year already now!


PS. and than the after party....
Day 2..
first of all we always have big fun at our bed & breakfast. For the 7th time we stayed there, it's a normal house with a seemingly normal woman just renting out her extra bedrooms in the house. She's delightfully crazy though, so despite very different lives and hobbies we really click. She always takes such good care of us, it's truly like coming home!

Anyway, the music..
Sphere of Souls were really good! Beautiful ballad-like passages, some good heavy moments, great musicians and good songs. Nova Art seemed a bit weird initially, esp. the singer's performance with a lot of poses, but it soon turned me over as he was so energetic and he did some amazing things with his voice. Voyager's CD I never really could get into, but live they were impressive! There was a lot going on on stage and that medley of classics they did was so much fun! I think Dark Suns are really good, but you have to be in the mood for the long, Opeth-ish type of songs. It was nice to see Kristoffer Gildenlow (who was filling in on bass) on stage again :) Communic were fantastic, the other co-winner of the festival for me!!! :rock: Incredible what a sound these guys can create with the 3 of them. Thrrrraaaaassssshhhh! And then the sort of cooling down with the mellow tunes of Riverside. It appealed to me more than last time, I've stayed inside for a few songs and it was really good. But I wasn't in the mood anymore for this Pink Floyd-ish stuff, esp after Communic, and spent most of the time outside.

And then the after party, oh yeah........... :D
This was the first time I visited PP Europe and I really liked the atmosphere and bands that played... All of them sounded good , my favs were Sphere of Souls and Communic. Nova Art indeed were a bit weird at first, but there's alot of potential in this young band !! These guys were a bit stunned about the good reactions I think...Sorry we had to skip the afterparty Marlies, you know, had to drag that Hawk-guy back home (and had a UFO DVD afterparty at his place:-)...
Will be there next year for sure !!!
it was great!
my oppinion on the bands of day 2:
sphere of souls: was really well done prog metal but nothing really new as well, very enchant and fates warning stylish, it was oke :)
nova art: well, the music was totally crazy and I liked that but I just couldnt get into the singers vocal style so I gave up after a while as his style of sining got on my nerves.
voyager: not my cup of tea at all sorry
dark suns: wooooooooooooooow that was what I was waiting for, one of the best gigs of the weekend even it was a bit static on stage (thats what happens when the drummer is also the singer but well he has a great voice so its oke)... closing eyes and dreaming, wonderful!
communic: another wow! they get better and better everytime I see them and they were so sympathic on and off stage, so funny and kind guys really. I had my norwegian flag again and was headbanging with it in the first row, nice oddleif even made a comment on it hehe ;)
riverside: as well as dark suns: music for dreaming. really beautiful songs and I liked that the bass was quite in front, sounded good! also his voice is amazing. tho the music reminded me so much of porcupine tree and opeth they still manage to get their own style (and funny that the singer also looks like a mix of opeths and pts singer hehe). only big minus for riverside: the merch prices!!!! I think its really not very fan friendly to sell shirts and girlies for 25 euros while all other bands sell them for 10 euros less or even cheaper! (I even got a dark suns hoodie for 20 euros!)