Thank you Enchant!


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2004
Well, after rushing home from school today and heading down to my local Tower Records where I finally got my hands on the only copy available of the Live at Last DVD!!! I was at first scared when I couldn't find a copy on the shelves and asked an employee who found the copy back in the "employees only" room. I quickly rushed home and popped in this bad boy into the DVD drive and was blown away! :Spin:

I have not seen the entire concert yet, but from the tracks I watched the sound quality was superb! Out of the all of the concert DVD's I have, (Dream Theater, Rush, G3 etc.) the sound quality on Live at Last is the best! It was definetly worth the wait! All of the instruments are heard very clear on their own seperate tracks and it all comes together in one great package! Bravo Enchant!! Some of my fav. tracks so far include Pure, Below Zero and What to Say.

There are so many things on this DVD that just make me smile, all the way from the beautiful guitar solos to great drum grooves to bombing bass, it is amazing! But I have to admit that Ted just tore it up out there, I have never heard anyone sing like that live! I mean, sure a lot of vocalists sound great on albums but not as great live, but I think it is the opposite in this case. IMO, Ted sounds better live then in the studio! Which is a good thing!

I just want to say thank you Enchant for capturing such an amazing show and I cant wait to check out the rest of the show and the bonus disks! :wave:
Hear hear to both previous posts.
GREAt DVD - the wait was worth it! The boys put on a great show and I amd SURE Doug busted his ASS to get the final product to come out the way that it did - big kudos to Doug for what I am sure were many sleepless nights.. you ROCK bro!!! :headbang:
slowhand said:
What are your impressions concerning the sync-probs?

There are sync-problems?? I have not noticed this yet from the songs I watched, could you specify the songs that this occurs?
There are tiny snippetts here and there where it looks like it was shot from a different camera onstage like a handheld or something. And it seemed like things might possibly be a TINY bit off.... but that was it for me as far as I could see. That's it. ANd those shots are few and far between.

I am SUPER anal retentive about this type of thing which is the ONLY reason I noticed. And it did NOTHING to detract from the DVD or the show. The DVD kicks ass Enchant fans - check it OUT! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Burke said:
There are tiny snippetts here and there where it looks like it was shot from a different camera onstage like a handheld or something. And it seemed like things might possibly be a TINY bit off.... but that was it for me as far as I could see. That's it. ANd those shots are few and far between.

I am SUPER anal retentive about this type of thing which is the ONLY reason I noticed. And it did NOTHING to detract from the DVD or the show. The DVD kicks ass Enchant fans - check it OUT! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Sweet, I probably wont even notice it then! :Spin:

And yes, EVERYONE BUY THIS DVD! You will not regret it!! :hotjump: :wave:
rushjackson said:
Sweet, I probably wont even notice it then! :Spin:

And yes, EVERYONE BUY THIS DVD! You will not regret it!! :hotjump: :wave:

It kicks ASS - trust me, you won;t be dissapoineted! :kickass:
I called all my retail stores, and haven't been able to track the DVD down yet. I want to order it online, but I'm afraid I'll get the recalled version. Any chance I'll be able to buy one directly from the site? I'm going to NY next week and was hoping to watch this on the plane, but maybe I'll just try Tower over there.

I can't believe it's already been a year since the DVD taping! I've been listening to the live CD and it brings back crazy memories! I'm listening to Break right now and I'm remembering how the Long Island crew would stop bouncing up and down during the song, to the point that Doug also started jumping up and down as he was playing! Too much man! Great singing here too man, I love how you and Ted sound so great trading vocal parts.

For all my friends here, I'm getting married next week in New Jersey! I set up a site at so you can read our silly story. Or come see us in Allentown on 2/12 for the Seven Witches DVD taping. I'll be the one with the synthesizer... ; )
chynablue said:
For all my friends here, I'm getting married next week in New Jersey! I set up a site at so you can read our silly story. Or come see us in Allentown on 2/12 for the Seven Witches DVD taping. I'll be the one with the synthesizer... ; )

Awwwwww what a great story Eric!!!! I certianly wish you and Kim all the best....Love truly does conquer all, doesn't it? CONGRATULATIONS! :wave:
Thanks a ton for this totally cool post as well.

This is great we really appreciate it Rush Jackson. And we are thrilled you are loving it! Your enthusiasm rocks!

I especially enjoyed the Bombing Bass description, thats a good one and maybe a title for something to come. I love that one.

NP Head for Backstage pass : Jeff Beck Wired

rushjackson said:
Well, after rushing home from school today and heading down to my local Tower Records where I finally got my hands on the only copy available of the Live at Last DVD!!! I was at first scared when I couldn't find a copy on the shelves and asked an employee who found the copy back in the "employees only" room. I quickly rushed home and popped in this bad boy into the DVD drive and was blown away! :Spin:

I have not seen the entire concert yet, but from the tracks I watched the sound quality was superb! Out of the all of the concert DVD's I have, (Dream Theater, Rush, G3 etc.) the sound quality on Live at Last is the best! It was definetly worth the wait! All of the instruments are heard very clear on their own seperate tracks and it all comes together in one great package! Bravo Enchant!! Some of my fav. tracks so far include Pure, Below Zero and What to Say.

There are so many things on this DVD that just make me smile, all the way from the beautiful guitar solos to great drum grooves to bombing bass, it is amazing! But I have to admit that Ted just tore it up out there, I have never heard anyone sing like that live! I mean, sure a lot of vocalists sound great on albums but not as great live, but I think it is the opposite in this case. IMO, Ted sounds better live then in the studio! Which is a good thing!

I just want to say thank you Enchant for capturing such an amazing show and I cant wait to check out the rest of the show and the bonus disks! :wave:
Congratulations, Eric!! What a wonderful story! All the best to you and your beloved!

Via rice-throwing dragon

chynablue said:
I called all my retail stores, and haven't been able to track the DVD down yet. I want to order it online, but I'm afraid I'll get the recalled version. Any chance I'll be able to buy one directly from the site? I'm going to NY next week and was hoping to watch this on the plane, but maybe I'll just try Tower over there.

I can't believe it's already been a year since the DVD taping! I've been listening to the live CD and it brings back crazy memories! I'm listening to Break right now and I'm remembering how the Long Island crew would stop bouncing up and down during the song, to the point that Doug also started jumping up and down as he was playing! Too much man! Great singing here too man, I love how you and Ted sound so great trading vocal parts.

For all my friends here, I'm getting married next week in New Jersey! I set up a site at so you can read our silly story. Or come see us in Allentown on 2/12 for the Seven Witches DVD taping. I'll be the one with the synthesizer... ; )

I sent you another e-mail my friend but wanted to put it out here as well. CONGRATULATIONS!

Man you were pretty hush about this at NAMM man :tickled: whats up with that :tickled:

Give me a call so I can give you some grief and then congratulate you!

chynablue said:
I called all my retail stores, and haven't been able to track the DVD down yet. I want to order it online, but I'm afraid I'll get the recalled version. Any chance I'll be able to buy one directly from the site? I'm going to NY next week and was hoping to watch this on the plane, but maybe I'll just try Tower over there.

I can't believe it's already been a year since the DVD taping! I've been listening to the live CD and it brings back crazy memories! I'm listening to Break right now and I'm remembering how the Long Island crew would stop bouncing up and down during the song, to the point that Doug also started jumping up and down as he was playing! Too much man! Great singing here too man, I love how you and Ted sound so great trading vocal parts.

For all my friends here, I'm getting married next week in New Jersey! I set up a site at so you can read our silly story. Or come see us in Allentown on 2/12 for the Seven Witches DVD taping. I'll be the one with the synthesizer... ; )
Hey Ed...yeah, I thought I mentioned it. Maybe I was distracted by all the fine looking women? Or was that YOU! HAHAHA I'll try calling you over the weekend. With all the details, it's been so crazy here man.

Right now I'm slated to play with Seven Witches for their DVD taping on the 12th in Allentown, if any of you metalheads want to come out and get in on the fun! It looks like I'm playing the night before my wedding too! Should be a very metal bachelor party, eh? ; )
I read that someone found the set at their local Best Buy store but I did not at the locations I tried. As luck would have it, I picked up the one and only copy at the Tower Records in Long Beach last night.

Eric, you found your way on the fan interviews! Congratulations on your marriage to Kim.....where can I find this Heather now?!? :)

I'm kicking myself in the head knowing that if I had discovered the band just a couple of months earlier, I would've caught them at CalProg'04! Can't wait for the band to play the SoCal area again. I will be there.

chynablue said:
I called all my retail stores, and haven't been able to track the DVD down yet. I want to order it online, but I'm afraid I'll get the recalled version. Any chance I'll be able to buy one directly from the site? I'm going to NY next week and was hoping to watch this on the plane, but maybe I'll just try Tower over there.

I can't believe it's already been a year since the DVD taping! I've been listening to the live CD and it brings back crazy memories! I'm listening to Break right now and I'm remembering how the Long Island crew would stop bouncing up and down during the song, to the point that Doug also started jumping up and down as he was playing! Too much man! Great singing here too man, I love how you and Ted sound so great trading vocal parts.

For all my friends here, I'm getting married next week in New Jersey! I set up a site at so you can read our silly story. Or come see us in Allentown on 2/12 for the Seven Witches DVD taping. I'll be the one with the synthesizer... ; )
Hey man, thanks for the cool reply! As I've told my wife (well she will be in 13 days), I haven't seen or heard from Heather before or after that show...but I'm sure she's around this forum somewhere... ; ) Had a great time hanging with ALL the Long Island crew, as well as the fans from Florida, Seattle (hey Disco!) and San Francisco...what a great weekend.

Hey if you're in Torrance, we should meet up sometime. I'm right here in LA. : )

Regarding the DVD...there's a cool online vendor named Zane, he's got a site at He's been a huge Enchant fan, and set me up with a cool deal for the DVD. And these are DEFINITELY the new ones! So if you're still looking for an easy way to get the new copy, that's a good way to go! ; )
Burke said:
There are tiny snippetts here and there where it looks like it was shot from a different camera onstage like a handheld or something. And it seemed like things might possibly be a TINY bit off.... but that was it for me as far as I could see. That's it. ANd those shots are few and far between.

On my DVD, the audio is very often "behind" the video. For example, it's a little bit annoying to watch when you first see the drum being hit and it takes a moment or two before you hear it -- almost like a thunderstorm when you first see the lightning. :)

Can it be that the PAL version of the DVD have more sync problems than the NTSC version? Just a thought.
To be honest, I don't get out much these days. My job keeps me on call a lot. I have been missing plenty of good shows (DT, Queensryche, & Fates to name one) for this reason, but I'm going to make a special effort to see Enchant next time they're in town! I expect I'll be seeing you there also!

Thanks for the info on cdinzane. I'll check them out.

chynablue said:
Hey man, thanks for the cool reply! As I've told my wife (well she will be in 13 days), I haven't seen or heard from Heather before or after that show...but I'm sure she's around this forum somewhere... ; ) Had a great time hanging with ALL the Long Island crew, as well as the fans from Florida, Seattle (hey Disco!) and San Francisco...what a great weekend.

Hey if you're in Torrance, we should meet up sometime. I'm right here in LA. : )

Regarding the DVD...there's a cool online vendor named Zane, he's got a site at He's been a huge Enchant fan, and set me up with a cool deal for the DVD. And these are DEFINITELY the new ones! So if you're still looking for an easy way to get the new copy, that's a good way to go! ; )