Thank you for "The Inner Circle" Evergrey!

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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I just wanted to post this on the forum to thank Tom & Evergrey personally for the new album. Not only because I think it is musically the best album this year, but the lyrics hit close to home on a personal level for me.

The reason for that is that my wife was a member of a religious cult up until a few years back and has had quite a struggle coming to grips with the fact that just about everything she was taught was a bunch of lies, and was for someone else's personal gain.

She is fine now, but it took her a long time to get over it. I wasn't as much help as I wanted to be in her getting over it due to the fact that I was never a part of something like that, so I had no idea what she was going through. I kept telling her to just try and forget about it, and to think about the fact that she has a great life now but it wasn't that easy to just forget something like that.

Like I said before she is much better now and we are getting on with our life together just fine. Reading the lyrics to The Inner Circle made me realize what someone goes through with one of these mind controlling cults, and how much of an effect it can have on them. I only wish the album would have come out sooner because I think I might have understood it a little better if it had!

I had read in a magazine well before the album was released what the concept was, and immediately told my wife about it so we've both been eagerly awaiting the release. I got it in the mail last Friday after work and immediately read through all of the lyrics. Then when my wife came home she read all of them and just kept nodding her head and said Evergrey should be proud of themselves for such a brilliant piece of work! :worship:

I myself do not follow religion exactly because of things like this. I think I'll stick to a great quote by Tom, "I am my own God, God walking earth." that sounds good to me.

Once again thanks for the excellent new album and please come back to Minnesota soon on a headlining tour!
Yes, it's true. I was part of a religous cult called the International Churches of Christ. Has anyone else been snagged by these manipulative pack of wolves? I wouldn't be surprised if there were some out there. There were churches in all major US cities and in every country on every continent...except Antartica.

As my husband stated, I was nodding my head emphatically as I read the lyrics to "The Inner Circle." I finally felt like somebody had taken all my years of frustration and confusion and made it tangible for others to understand. A reoccurring theme of this album that I can relate to most of all is the lonliness and sorrow a person feels. It's a lonely life when you live for another's insatiable hunger for selfish gain.

From the time I was 9 years old I was taught that my human desires and instincts were all evil and led to sins that would cast me aside into the fiery pits of hell. Since I couldn't trust myself to make good choices, I foolishly believed somebody else could. Which makes no sense now, but when you're nine years old and facing the gates of hell, you'll believe anything.

So when I finally left at 22 years old, there was about two weeks where I felt so high and free! And then came a six month period where I was the absolute lowest I could ever be. The lonliness was worse than I had ever felt-even from inside the church. I had no friends, no goals, and no purpose outside of that group. And after a decade of denying all my instincts and desires, I had no idea who I was-completely stripped of my identity.

It's taken me near five years to find a safe plateau. And even now I still have insecurities and fears that originated within that cult environment. I don't know if it will ever be completely lost. But I have learned many lessons-the best one being DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR!

I've also learned that cults may be extreme like Heaven's Gate or subtle like the Catholic Church, but they all use the same tactic-FEAR. "The Inner Circle" has really done a great job spreading a universal message that can be relatable to all. I have no doubts that this album will save lives and redeem hope for people of all types and backgrounds.

Thanks Evergrey! We're sorry we missed you on the Iced Earth tour (darn early shows!), but my husband and I eagerly await your return on a headlining tour!