thank you mark...


Sid Vicious Reincarnation
Apr 18, 2001
you said the hate pit turned into shit.
obviously not if so many people want it back.
and it had more threads and replies than 90% of the other boards here.

so why do you think it turned into shit?

i know it's *YOUR* UM, and i now feel really as part of a great community were a despot just makes moody decisions and doesnt care what the other members of that community say, feel ot want.

you closed the hate pit, ok we'll have to live with it as we dont seem to be able to do something against it (despotism really rocks doesnt it?). but the way you did it by just deleting it, pretending that nothng happened and not being willing to tell your unworthy peasants what caused your decision is just an unbelievable impertinence.

deleting the shoutbox, deleting threads regarding the hate pit and closing other threads also creates an atmosphere were everyone in the community feels treated as equal, free being under a understanding leader who doesnt put himself above the community.

great job done there, really.
Kids, thank your father. THANKS DAD! ;)

(um, is the shout box....gonzo?) DOH!

[color=sky blue]Btw, Storm...that's one hhhhhhhellofva sig ya got there! :err: :lol:

I *TOLD* people why it was removed the DAY it happened - if you and everyone else couldn't be bothered to notice it (or chose to ignore it), then that's your problem.

The hate pit was created initially for people to vent about their problems, or to carry over any arguments from the other forums - we enjoyed some of the original posts where people spoke about things that bothered them, and we all chimed in. Then it simply became a forum for people who abused the unmoderated aspect of it and posted garbage (yes, IMO) threads that had nothing to do with the original idea. There was NO thread or complaint that sparked the forum's closure, just the entire forum as a whole became something I no longer wanted on the site.

The shoutbox was removed after I warned people that it would be removed if they abused it by turning it into another hate pit - which they did. So don't blame me. I did not create this community just for myself, nor did I create it just for you -- I created it for the general metal fan to discuss his favourite bands, and the metal scene, and that will always be its main focus - not for hosting a hate pit (however much I liked the initial concept), and definitely not for people to post hate-pit-inspired threads in a music discussion forum.
I for one will keep posting said threads because now I have nowhere to post them, they will be posted wherever I feel like it, whereas before I would have done it at the Hate Pit,mmm, was that your original purpose of closing it down, to piss the other members of this "community" off by having assholes like me post their immature bullshit everywhere else? The Hate Pit served its purpose, if you felt it was gettimg out of hand, then you should have announced some friggin rules, not blantantly insult all of the people that posted there by deleting evrything there. And you keep doing it now. The good work POURS out of you. Thanks.:rolleyes:

P.S. Mark how do you like my Sig.? How big of an asshole am I? on a scale from one to ten, ten being killable:D
You keep posting said threads on the GMD forum, I'll keep deleting them. I completely agree with Mark on this - and if he had, as you suggest, 'announced some friggin rules', would you have listened? You've already caused the closure of the Shoutbox by attempting to turn that into a replacement Hate Pit, so it's clear you don't listen to any rules or suggestions for conduct anyway.
The Hate Pit's original purpose was, as Mark stated, 'people to vent about their problems, or to carry over any arguments from the other forums' - not to host threads like 'I hate my pals', which was the one that caused me to stop even reading the Hate Pit. Racism has no place on a music webzine or discussion forum. Nor does the child pornography that kept cropping up.
The bottom line is, we provided an unmoderated forum, putting faith in the community that it wouldn't abuse the privilege. We were promptly taken for granted and our trust abused, so those privileges were removed. Now deal with it.
First off, the Child Porno was posted by one guy, Kushtaiidan, we told him to get the fuck out, and look at him now, he is still posting his bullshit elswhere and he is whining about how bad we treated him, Child porn is disgusting and I think if you ask all the guys and girls that frequented the HP they would say the same, about Kush and about CP. Secondly, did you actually read the my pals thing, I am not a racist and I condemned the idiot that posted that, he wasn't a regular to the HP at all, Migicawe is an ass, and it pains me to say that because he is from my home state, but he is really under the radar in his IQ. Thirdly, If you guys would have actually known this would you have closed it down, two non-hate pit regulars come in post disgusting and disturbing posts of which we had nothing to do and we told those idiots to get out, they did. but all you saw was the posts, you didn't even think about who or why, and you didn't even read them, you just lumped us in with a few idiots. And just to prove my point, you called the post I Hate my pals, the post was actually called, my pals, and said They sure Do smoke a lot. I was offended by this and told him to get out, as did a lot of the other regulars. Hey, if you want to lump me in with a child porno buff and a rascist go ahead, I don't give two shits about what you or anyone else thinks about me, but if you're going to defend Mark get you gooddamned facts straight.
Give me a break, you now what you posted and you just admitted it on the Kush thread, everyone knows you did it, stronger stomachs, jogging your memory, damn you are a loser.
the UZIGA artwork is not child porn sir. It is hentai, and it is quite legal.

if that's what you were referring to. As for the ogatse picture, and tubgirl, they are also quite legal, and fucking funny.

But you have no sense of humor, just a destructive personality filled with hate. Im sure you can find other forums that have something similar to a hate pit.


But there is no room for your attitudes in this forum. The hate pit is gone, adapt or leave, and stop taking out your childish tantrems on me. You've only been here a month or so, so you can't be too attached to this place. So just move along, and everyone will be happy.
Screw you man, I post on different forums here and I will continue you to do so, what are you the UM master, damn the shit you posted wasn't funny, it was disgusting, and if you think that it was funny than get therapy,and I WILL BE DAMNED BEFORE I LET ANYONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO.
Originally posted by AjDeath
Screw you man, I post on different forums here and I will continue you to do so, what are you the UM master, damn the shit you posted wasn't funny, it was disgusting, and if you think that it was funny than get therapy,and I WILL BE DAMNED BEFORE I LET ANYONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO.

They won't tell you what to do. They will just ban you. So keep going. Abuse as MANY people as you can. get REALLY REALLY PISSED OFF!!! PSYCH UP!! START CHUCKING STUFF! DESTROY EVERYTHING!! the more people you hate, harrass and insult.. the better.

I do find it funny, and who are you to say I need therapy? Lol. What I find funny is my buisness. I don't need therapy to make me find stupid shit that amuse dagheads like yourself funny.

And yes.. I AM THE UM MASTER.. i am also god, and jesus christ, and some weird fish god down in some weird country in some weird place.. They have a lot of coconuts in this place. I might go there sometime. I'll send you a postcard.
You're not even worth talking to, you call me a destructive personality when you don't even know me, if have opinions and I am very vocal about them, I am not even pissed right now, I would like evryone to know that all you are doing is trying to incite, if you can't take the criticism you deserve then ignore it, maybe I can get your sick ass thrown out of here for the garbage you posted, and for the record someone crapping into their own mouth is not funny.
I could say the same to you. You don't know me either. We can only judge each other from what we post. I am also vocal. But unlike many that I seem to argue about, I don't go around being obnoxious and loud, swearing, and getting all heated. Well I try not to anyway. I'm also not angry at all. Arguing is quite enjoyable. As for the pics i posted, it was the Hate Pit. The Hate Pit is UNMODERATED, and the pictures are LEGAL in their country of prigin, my country and the US. I also removed some of them myself, when I decided against it, I didn't want to make too many enemies or anything.

You're all mister hate tough guy or whatever? And tubgirl makes you all fall apart? And as for kids, what the hell are kids doing in the hate pit anyway? Before posting anything in the hate pit, I read marks disclaimer, and abided by the rules. I find inciting hate, obnoxious behavior, and childish language a lot more damage than some ridiculously sick pictures that are so sick, all I can do is laugh at them. I laugh at the internet and some of the crazy stuff I find. And I thought the hate pit, seeing it was unmoderated, was a suitable place to post them.

Anyway, I was just testing you guys in the pits. You all thought you were so good, all Hating, and swearing and this and that sux. But you all fell apart with those pictures. And it was fucking funny. So far, I see no reason for myself to be banned. And if there is a reason, mark is welcome to warn me.
I hope he does, I have not been warned either but by my actions last night, I can see myself being banned, but you sir, need to be banned, those pictures were in very poor taste, and Dill said himself that those pistures disgusted himself and Mark, why we were punished for the actios of few is what pisses me off, Good Day and keep the Hate Pit alive.
You're right! I don't remember any child porn??? That's total rubbish!!! Coz I spent more time in the hate pit than I did sleeping!

I loved going to post abuse where people wouldn't take it personally and shake off the pc baggage we have to carry around with us day-in-day-out in society. Pc baggage which INCREASES racial tension and PUTS UP BARRIERS between people in society because we aren't "allowed" by the conventions of society to enjoy banter and mickey-taking which happened in the hate pit and as a result has made me more "friends" in the UM forums than anywhere esle. Just look at the petty rubbish you get in the In Flames forum or something.

I think the pit genuinely helped and brought about a great sense of camaraderie.

I think it is a tragedy.

I think the reasons for it's closure are wrong and misinformed.

I think Mark should have given us the benefit of the doubt and at least kept us more informed as to what was going on.


That doesn't matter because....

It's NOT my site.

I don't own the forums.

Mark does.

It's totally up to him what to do with them.

& thanks for the good times had!
Originally posted by AjDeath
I hope he does, I have not been warned either but by my actions last night, I can see myself being banned, but you sir, need to be banned, those pictures were in very poor taste, and Dill said himself that those pistures disgusted himself and Mark, why we were punished for the actios of few is what pisses me off, Good Day and keep the Hate Pit alive.

And a good day to you too. And DO NOT DIE.