Thank you, Oyo, Thorns Of... and to whom it may concern...


Abode Of The Blessed
Mar 20, 2002
The Netherlands
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Just read some of your replies on the CC board; it's good to know that not all of the people here are ignorant retards. The main reason I signed up here was because of the Arch Enemy board, but since CC moved here I checked it out. It was a decent board at first, but unfortunately that's not the case anymore; I hardly don't make any effort to waste my words on those nitwits, just a waste of time in my opinion...
what a bunch of fuckin idiots over there man. they are the ones that give metal a bad name. "KILL ALL THE CHRISTIANS!!!! DRINK BEER AND LISTEN TO METAL!!!! KILL THE JEWS!!" what a bunch of fuckin stupid dumb bullshit. god that pisses me off!
My point exactly... I do believe that people are entitled to their own opinion and to have any political preference they wish to have but a lot of these people sound like they care much more about politics rather than the music or band itself; this place is called not I don't mind discussing politics at all or things that are politically related, but if you disagree with someone there, you automatically get things like "oh, you must be a jew/my pals/whatever then" thrown at you. How can one discuss with one another then on a mature level? Seems impossible to me...
Agreed, CC forum is the armpit of UM. I wish Mark would tell them to host their hate forum somewhere else. It's really a worthless addition to UM.

It's nice to see that not everyone from that forum is like that. I don't think I'll be going there anymore after today.
First I thought "give 'em a chance"..but now I totally agree with LoD...I ´had never seen such pitiful ignorance and stupidity before as I did see at the CC board...
I didn't say that metal HAD to be hateful, I just pointed out that hate IS valued within the metal community.
I paid the CC forum a visit. It's so very sad to see people trapped by such primitive delusions. They must be very miserable. Unfortunately, humans are dumb primates, and some of us (or perhaps, most of us, or maybe all of us) are immature because we can't help it.

This is why I sometimes hope for a catastrophe on a global scale. You'd see how many people will be concerned with "decent white folk" when the human race itself faces extiction. But that is merely a silly idea of mine. In all practicality, all you can really do is live your own life and pity people like that. They can't help being racist assholes anymore than a mosquito can help biting or a dog can help barking.

Perhaps some of them will grow up eventually, but it's pointless to try to convinse people like that because they don't want to be convinsed and yo can't force them to change their views.

So after reading a few threads I decided to just leave. But not before leaving a little something behind. ;)
Originally posted by Autumn Falls
Heh not in my metal community.. though I have kind of grown out of metal and got much more into progressive music.. ooers! folky prog rock! I think I just got a half stock!


Most of what passes for prog metal isn't really metal anyway. Though it may utilize many of the aesthetic elements of metal, at it's core, it is an extension of Cantebury, not Birmingham...
Hah.. funny.. I find it quite the opposite.. I wish that more progressive bands took elements from progressive rock but I find they don't..

The excepted definition of a progressive metal band to me is..
Instrumentals and instrumental breaks
Long songs
et cetera

Sadly it has very little in common to prog rock.. which is entirely different.. thank god there are bands like Pain of Salvation and Opeth trying to keep it fresh..

Ahh.. the days of Canterbury!

It's not so much that they're utilizing the SOUND of the Cantebury acts as that they are philosophically aligned with prog rock, not with metal, and philosophy is the true heart of any artistic movement.