Thank you to the crew & other thoughts....


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001

*First and foremost, my wife deserves all the credit in the world. Not only has she taken the social media to a level that I never even thought possible, but she puts up a lot of fires out up front that I’m not even aware of. Plus, she puts up with me while I’m at my most stressed before, during, and after the festival. That’s not easy. I love you dear.

*My entire crew may work for me, but they are family. I know they have my back when it comes crunch time. We will always have our ups and downs, but their drive remains the same; to make it the best possible show for everyone. They love the festival just as much as I do. I’d go to hell and back for each of them. A standing ovation to each of them:

a. The Stage Crew: Wayne P (manager), Shane (bass & lighting consultant), Rick (guitar), Jay-Dub (guitar), Rob (guitar), Harris (keys), Kelly (curtain, stage) Mike C (curtain, stage, runner), Mike, Don, & Bobby (drums)
b. Backstage- Tommy (manager), Lara (Driver), Jo (Catering), Matt (assistant), Taylor (assistant)
c. Lobby/Vendor- Keith (manager), Jim & Hoyt (Assistants)
d. Photography- Esa, Allen, & Stephen
d. Visas- Marc at
e. The gold badge crew- Su, Tracy, Dawn, Milton, Sis
f. Social Media Assistance- Matt
g. Website/Program/Sampler- Claus, Tess, & Annie
h. Graphics/Video- Wayne J.

*Milton (Mid-Week Mayhem) & Nathan (Kick-Off Show): Well done. They were two of the biggest pre-main event shows in ProgPower USA history.

*Center Stage staff: You folks have no idea how much leeway they give me & are there to meet my every concern in a total professional manner before, during, and after the show. I do not take that for granted. They do read the feedback threads and take possible changes into consideration every year. Special shout out to Josh, Nikki, Michelle, Kent, Garrett, Whitney, & Dylan.

*To address the main concern this year, I was made aware of various security concerns /issues on Friday evening. Those were addressed with Center Stage and Saturday should have been a much more pleasant experience. However, please be aware that they do have a job to do and you need to understand that they do not deal with a crowd like ours anytime of the year.

*There will be no issues with bringing in cough drops, skittles, or anything like that going forward. Medications need to either be in the prescription bottles or checked at the box office. 1-2 protein bars in your pocket will not be an issue as well. HOWEVER, a box of protein bars (or even several) or something like Subway bag will NOT be allowed in. There is no negotiating that. Please make arrangements accordingly.

*The signing sessions were the most popular in the history of the festival. Many of the returning bands wanted to stay and accommodate all fan requests. That caused some unanticipated delays that the lobby crew handled the best they could. However, I have made the executive decision to enforce the rules despite band requests in the future. That means we return to mandated 3 items only or 1 pic request. Those lines need to move quicker.

*I would like to please remind everyone that I cannot fix a problem until I know it is occurring. I was not aware of many of the situations until I read them online after the fact. Contrary to popular belief, do not read social media much during the festival. Jen cannot possibly keep up with everything as well despite working her ass off. If you have an issue, please report it to either my staff or the box office. They will follow-up with me immediately to prevent further issues.

Random thoughts :

*Chris Kinder- Thank you everything, including the conversation on Saturday night.

*Mikey Eriksen- Stage whore. Period.

* Oliva went for x-rays after he got home: two cracked ribs. That man is a soldier and sounded the best he has in years. Kudos to Bill Hudson as well. I was speechless during “Temptation Revelation.”

*The Divided Multitude gang worked their ass off to make that set work with rehearsals over several days with the replacement drummers. They were stressed to the max, but never lost their cool. Total pros.

*Divinci’s Restaurant: Awesome. Divinici’s at Center Stage: blah. This will be discussed in depth with Center Stage again next year. I have no idea if changes are possible, but all options will be explored within reason. Center Stage has absolute say on all of it.

*Funniest moment for me: Watching Bobby Blitz doing his Mick Jagger strutting on stage impersonation in the Overkill dressing room.

*Floating around during the weekend in addition to the Evergrey goobers: Michael Eriksen (Circus Maximus), Shawn Drover (Megadeth), Thomas Youngblood & Sean Tibbets (Kamelot), Nick Van Dyke (Redemption), & Ken Golden (Old, Pretension Prog Rock Groupie).

*All of our shirts except for a handful of XXL were sold within a few hours on Friday. That’s awesome. If you need an extra XXL, please contact me.

*To the person that stole my ipod I was using for house music after Oliva ended, I hope you die a million deaths from every STD that you will contract in your sorry ass life from your palm

. *I still get goosebumps watching the crowd sing along with Seventh Wonder. Moments like that make it surreal.

*”We’re the progressive Overkill. All refined & shit.” – Blitz

* I lasted about a minute in the pit during Overkill. I would have gone a lot longer until some jerk through an elbow in my back.

*So I sit outside on Tuesday night drinking late into the night. Last Band Member standing: Steiner from Pagan’s Mind. It just seemed right.

*Some of you were wondering about the darkened televisions and delay with Leprous. Their computer took a shit on them at the last minute. It’s as simple as that.

Until next time….


We were joking that Seventh Wonder almost didn't need Tommy; the audience could sing everything for him, word for word and note for note!
Always enjoy reading the wrap-up. Thanks to all involved. September 2015 can't come soon enough.
A big "Thank you" for Glenn, Jen and the crew. I also enjoyed reading the wrap-up.

Thank you for checking about bringing outside food in. I think I can live with bringing in 1 or 2 protein bars.

Already looking forward to next year. September 2015 can't come soon enough! :lol:
Whoa, somebody had the guts and nerve to steal an ipod from the soundboard?? Must have been a first timer because I can't reckon someone would do that if they are part of the PPUSA family!!
Thank you! That protein bar issue really riled me up because On friday I was starving, but would not go out and miss a band! Always bring 2-3 bars that keep me well until I get back to the hotel. Too bad though Vinyl does not serve food anymore. And thank you for enforcing the items policy! It is about respecting everybody else, from bands to crew and attendants. Why would someone need to tell their story, take 3 pics and sign 8 pieces is beyond me!! I am probably exxagerating, but after taking all band autographs for 5 years in a row, I missed Seventh Wonder since I already got them last time around, but because that line was not moving at all and bands on stage are priority for me!!
That iPod thing actually reminds me of a minor question I had wanted to ask on here. Not complaining or anything, but what's the deal with the usual 2014 release house music before Pain of Salvation being replaced with Addicted and Deconstruction by the Devin Townsend Project?
That iPod thing actually reminds me of a minor question I had wanted to ask on here. Not complaining or anything, but what's the deal with the usual 2014 release house music before Pain of Salvation being replaced with Addicted and Deconstruction by the Devin Townsend Project?

No idea. The FoH engineer for PoS must have taken it upon himself to change it.
Thank you, Glenn and everyone. This year was pure greatness. Best music experience of my life, hands down.
This was my 3rd PPUSA festival (2007, 2013 being the other two), and this was every bit as enjoyable as the other two--even more so given that Savatage was among my favorite bands in the early 90's. Thanks for addressing all of the major issues in your response, most notably the food situation. I wouldn't bring in a box of granola bars, but considering no food was being offered by the venue, I need a bar or two just to survive the day. Given that I missed most of Masterplan's set due to being in the Seventh Wonder line, I also appreciate the promise of greater enforcement of signing limits.

Also, how big of a dick do you have to be to steal the promoter's ipod for the house music? It's got to be a first-timer, because nobody who has attended the festival more than once would ever even think of doing that.

Thanks for a great weekend, and I look forward to PPUSAXVI!!!!
for those who don't know me, I'm Hoyt, and I assist with the Lobby and Vendor Room management for ProgPower USA each year. Among other responsibilities, I work with Keith and Jim in lining up the bands for autographs. I'm pretty certain it's been explained in the past that the bands are requested a minimum of 30 minutes of their time for these sessions. Many often stay longer - 15-30 mins more on average.

Seventh Wonder this year was a special case... they claimed they wanted to stay out there at the tables and meet and greet every fan they could for as long as they could, signing whatever was brought, and taking pictures, etc.

We had no real control over this, as it was their choice. They were happy to do it, and we were happy to let them. We tried our best to keep the line moving, but they were excited to speak with everyone - at length - and who were we to stop them?

We had no idea the fans were going to take full advantage of SW's gratitude and chew their ears off. And if you consider the time frame, their session was already up against Masterplan's set due to whatever it was that caused delays in start times on stage (I was not, nor am I privy to that information). Normally the signing sessions fall in between the sets (and then possibly run over a bit per the bands), but they were off already that evening before Masterplan started.

Anyway, hindsight being what it is, we will strive to enforce the limited item signing rule (90% of the fans do not have to be reminded of this), and keep the pictures to a minimum for ALL bands - even if THEY choose to stay longer and chat it up with the fans as they pass through.

See you all next year! :kickass:

A couple quick pics and a couple of autographs is good enough for most! Of course it is so cool we get to take pics, but some people just abuse it.
Although it was frustrating waiting for 90 minutes, I do want to expressed my gratitude to Seventh Wonder staying so long, and to the promoters for allowing it to happen. It would have been even more frustrating to wait that long, only to have the session ended right when I get to the table (which has happened to me in the past). Hopefully if a band is as generous in the future, the fans could respect that and ensure that their interactions are fairly brief, so that the line could move more smoothly.