Thank You Wendy!

a guy...

Magician of Sadness
Aug 31, 2001
Visit site
Finally a UBB! (not really, but who's checking?? :D )
So what made you finally upgrade the board? Perhaps now with this set up I'll post more often than before...hope to seeyou posting more too!
Hello 'a guy', glad you like the new format!

Actually, UltimateMark from UltimateMetal approached me and offered to host the board as an UltimateForum. It's fast, banner free and anonymous posting is still possible. Plus it offers more possibilities like optional background information and the most recent posted to threads get moved to the top so discussions won't "drown".

Let's see how it goes! Hope to see you around more.
to' a guy ' and wendy, i bid you both a hello. welcome to the wonderful world of UBB's.

wendy, you will ( and i am sure already ) love the setups and maintence of BB's like this.
Hi Lotus Eater!

Good job here Wendy, I was actualy considering e-mailing you to upgrade to an Ultimate-like set-up, I like this better!
Fooled you!!!
