
I am thankful for all my family and friends, for my bands and bandmates being patient and such great friends, I'm thankful that the euro is totally stomping the dollar's ass into the ground so I can buy tons of stuff when I come to the US and pay for it like it's pre-fall of communism Prague, I'm thankful for my ability to play the guitar, I'm thankful that I've got a great job and work with great people, I'm thankful that I live in a great place, although it can be quite frustrating sometimes, and I'm thankful for the internet. Without it, I would never have gotten to "know" some of you and your antics which garnered a chuckle or two...maybe even a guffaw.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. I'll be celebrating it on the following Saturday due to the fact that it doesn't exist here, although we still pretend it does. It's just an excuse to eat tons of food that's not Italian.
I'm thankful for:

- a 3 day work week this week
- music
- rad family and friends
- sports
- Karen ;)