Thanks Bioware for...

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008

NO! :)

...for giving me the best videogame I´ve ever played. I´m not talking about Mass Effect 1 or 2 (although I dig this, too).

I´m talking about DRAGON AGE - BLOOD ORIGINS.

Some of you guys played it yet? If you are a RPG fan, get this. It´s epic as fuck and brutal..holy shit, it´s brutal. The main reason though is the story, the awesome npg´s and the tactical possibilities. It´s a dream!
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The graphics aren´t very spectacular, that´s true. But this games has something, what I miss in other games. Soul and a wonderful epic/dramatically story! The first 2,3 hours are not really awesome, but give it the time to unfold and you become addictive, I promise. You´ll also need some time to handle the tactical possibilities, but then it works great. One of the best elements is, HOW the sidequests are linked with the main story. ALL things you do, affects the main story in a certain way.
Hahaha Felix knows about my late addiction to it...

The thing is, I don't like dragons and elfs kinda stories, but dunno why this one has hooked me up in a way no other game has!

Graphically is not the best, I agree, but the key factor is playability and loooong story ;) What I like about this game is the fact that I've been playing it for 7-10 hours and there's still a whole lot to do!

Tomorrow my gf ( a WoW freak) will have a try at it too, even though the game she wants to play is Bayonetta ( girls with glasses rule, and a lot more with british accent)
Dragon Age was a marvel of a game. The character development and progression was absolutely fantastic, the story was very straightforward (for a Bioware game) and did everything but disappoint. Don't want to say too much about it to avoid spoilers but the game (which took me ~60hrs to beat) had me completely immersed from beginning to end. I absolutely love Inon Zur as a composer (he did the Prince of Persia games as well), and the music made the somewhat underwhelming visuals irrelevant and epic as hell at certain points. I also had to remind myself that all the character interactions and relationships were fictional periodically because they were that convincing and the voicing had a very personal tone. I'd recommend it to everybody without a doubt.

...So, who else wants to get a job with Bioware? :headbang:
Seriously? I played it on Xbox360 just because it´s from BioWare and I´m a crackhead about Mass Effect. It was a huge disappointment for me. Absolutely hated the "point and click" combat style, hate all the loot and ridiculous big customization options. IMO games like this must be story-driven, every element on the game should converge to support the story and immersion. I mean, you shouldn´t be spending time comparing equipment stats. And holy shit, do these guys LOVE equipment. 4 characters (not to mention the ones that aren´t on your main squad) with 2 rings, helmet, gloves, shoes, armors, two hands of weapons, necklaces plus a shitload of item slots? These guys went so crazy on the loot path that I was very afraid of what Mass Effect 2 could become. Thanks satan they got it right on Mass Effect 2, it would be a shame.

But the story on Dragon Age is pretty cool. I like the grey choices, specially the one with the witch in the end (no spoilers!). The dark tone of the game is also a good thing. I think this game is better on the PC, not only because it looks better, but the point-and-click gameplay is better suited to a mouse.
Sorry to be a bit off topic... a thing that pissed me off is that in the spcial edition making of dvd you see a lot stuff/interview about the level design, the graphics, the music, but you don't see a fucking worthy interview to the programmers.
Shit! the guys who struggle a lot are computer programmers! being a developer myself (not gaming, I'm not that great at coding) I know the complete shit you go through, you take all the responsibility for the game crashes, stability and other shit, they ask you do impossible things in just too few time, but the fuckers didn't put any interview to these guys, the ones who actually make all things inside a game work together (graphics/engine/models/phisics etc etc).
Sorry for the rant! Fuck bioware bosses for not having said thanks to these guys :p
Seriously? I played it on Xbox360 just because it´s from BioWare and I´m a crackhead about Mass Effect. It was a huge disappointment for me. Absolutely hated the "point and click" combat style, hate all the loot and ridiculous big customization options. IMO games like this must be story-driven, every element on the game should converge to support the story and immersion. I mean, you shouldn´t be spending time comparing equipment stats. And holy shit, do these guys LOVE equipment. 4 characters (not to mention the ones that aren´t on your main squad) with 2 rings, helmet, gloves, shoes, armors, two hands of weapons, necklaces plus a shitload of item slots? These guys went so crazy on the loot path that I was very afraid of what Mass Effect 2 could become. Thanks satan they got it right on Mass Effect 2, it would be a shame.

But the story on Dragon Age is pretty cool. I like the grey choices, specially the one with the witch in the end (no spoilers!). The dark tone of the game is also a good thing. I think this game is better on the PC, not only because it looks better, but the point-and-click gameplay is better suited to a mouse.

Dude, exactly that what you complain -I absolutely like in this game! I´m a hunter-gatherer. I love to think hours about tactics and HOW I can equip the party, to defeat the next enemies. And this game is absolutely challenging! To be honest, I had my doubts at the beginning of the game, but I fell in love with it. It needs time to ripe, like a good wine.
Sorry to be a bit off topic... a thing that pissed me off is that in the spcial edition making of dvd you see a lot stuff/interview about the level design, the graphics, the music, but you don't see a fucking worthy interview to the programmers.
Shit! the guys who struggle a lot are computer programmers! being a developer myself (not gaming, I'm not that great at coding) I know the complete shit you go through, you take all the responsibility for the game crashes, stability and other shit, they ask you do impossible things in just too few time, but the fuckers didn't put any interview to these guys, the ones who actually make all things inside a game work together (graphics/engine/models/phisics etc etc).
Sorry for the rant! Fuck bioware bosses for not having said thanks to these guys :p

Yeah, programmers are definitely the unsung heroes, but who the fuck wants to watch footage of people obsessing over lines of code for hours at a time? :lol: It's always the animators, sound designers, etc. that get the spotlight, cuz that's what us n00bs are interested in :D (though the behind-the-scenes vid for MGS4 had a fair amount on the hell that is the debugging process, for example)
And I usually am much more of a sci-fi fan over fantasy stuff, but Dragon Age is definitely on my list of games to pick up (Mass Effect 2 definitely comes first, though :D)
And I usually am much more of a sci-fi fan over fantasy stuff, but Dragon Age is definitely on my list of games to pick up (Mass Effect 2 definitely comes first, though :D)

Marcus, go for it. At first I wanted to buy Dragaon Age to shorten the waiting time for Mass Effect 2. I could not guess so, that I´m still (!) caught in the Dragon Age universe today. This game...Bioware :worship:

Mass Effect 2 is the next game I´ll play, after I saw everything in Dragon Age.
Yeah, programmers are definitely the unsung heroes, but who the fuck wants to watch footage of people obsessing over lines of code for hours at a time? :lol: It's always the animators, sound designers, etc. that get the spotlight, cuz that's what us n00bs are interested in :D (though the behind-the-scenes vid for MGS4 had a fair amount on the hell that is the debugging process, for example)

Yes totally agree Marcus about coding being boring lol ahahah .
But a good interview could be something like: "Let show us the various processes for the physics/rendering processes/collisions etc etc"
No fuck we need awards lol
Anyway I gotta finish Dead space, on hold for to long and then I'm gonna play this !
Dragon Age was a marvel of a game. The character development and progression was absolutely fantastic, the story was very straightforward (for a Bioware game) and did everything but disappoint. Don't want to say too much about it to avoid spoilers but the game (which took me ~60hrs to beat) had me completely immersed from beginning to end. I absolutely love Inon Zur as a composer (he did the Prince of Persia games as well), and the music made the somewhat underwhelming visuals irrelevant and epic as hell at certain points. I also had to remind myself that all the character interactions and relationships were fictional periodically because they were that convincing and the voicing had a very personal tone. I'd recommend it to everybody without a doubt.

...So, who else wants to get a job with Bioware? :headbang:

I absolutely agree, dude :kickass: I especially love the music theme, what is played, when the party is chilling at the rest area.
Dude, exactly that what you complain -I absolutely like in this game! I´m a hunter-gatherer. I love to think hours about tactics and HOW I can equip the party, to defeat the next enemies.

Yeah, I imagine some folks are into this kind of thing. Even Diablo, which has the point-and-click style of gameplay has tons of die-hard fans. I got bored with all the equipment and just set the difficult level to RETARD and only equiped items on the main character :lol:

Oh, one detail that I liked on this game is that "X" (on X360) skip the dialog lines but doesn´t confirm the dialog option. I mean, you can just smash X to skip the dialogs without worrying about confirming the next dialog option by accident. This is something that bugged me on Mass Effect 1, was "fixed" on Dragon Age but not on Mass Effect 2 :mad:

I wish I could send a letter to BioWare developers with lots of suggestions :lol:
Definitely the only decent RPG in years. Props to them for keeping the genre going after Bethesda pissed away the Fallout franchise.

I readily admit I'm not a console gamer, never have been (well i did own a Sega Genesis way back when), but other than that I've never been able to get into them regardless the genre of game offered and I think the reason is mostly the rather limited playability factor or should I say re-playability.

The only games that have ever held my attentions have been MMORPGs, at a time almost to the point of obsession. No - I've never been a WOW guy (my dangerous obsession had faded before it launched and when I tried it several of times, it never lit the fire.) No - my game was EverQuest - I started playing it in July of 1999, 3 months after it's release and I never looked back, playing many hours a day, raiding hanging with my friends, just having fun - the social interaction made the difference, it gave me what consoles had not up to that point. All of my real life friends and many of my co-workers all played it as well so it was in essence just an extension of my real life in a fantasy world. Many of the friends all around the world that I made in those days are still counted as close friends now.

When I got sick in 2004 (Leukemia as many of you know), I was home recovering for almost two years with unlimited time on my hands, that's when it became a bit obsessive and it ended up in my mind honestly having an effect on my recovery. I was a member of a major raid team (my guild hosted a separate raid team made up of members of several allied guilds) and we raided 7 nights a week, from about 7:00pm to 3:00am EST - so almost 8 hours a day raiding plus a lot of other time just leveling and making sure I meet the ever increasing requirements for raid team membership - you had to keep your character improving or fall behind, even an absence of a few weeks could put you behind if you missed critical keying raids or ever-changing level requirements. I'd say I was playing at least 12 hours a day, sometimes more.

As I said, I was supposed to be recovering from a serious illness, and I think this had an impact on my effort. I finally got burnt out and had to take a break. I was away for almost a year and tried to go back, but never caught the urge again. I've tried several other games as noted - WOW, EverQuest II, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (the only one I really liked and have played it some, but not even enough to maintain a monthly membership.)

Back to the point - console games just never offered me what I liked, even with gaming networks now, it's just not the same. Plus, having started with EverQuest from the very beginning and growing with it was a very magical time - it was like exploring a great unknown.

Oh, well - their is my little tale of why I don't really game anymore, but I must admit this game looked interesting, but I'm sure it will suffer from my initial concern - it may be several hours of great fun, but compared to what I liked in games, it's going to lose it's interest in so little time it's not worth the investment for me anymore - I'd rather read a book or make music. :) :headbang: