Thanks Everyone!


May 6, 2003
Oakland, CA
Hey everybody,

Just wanted to say thank you to all the fans who made it out to the Avalon on Saturday from far and wide. It was great being able to meet some of you and reconnect with others. We really had a blast, and your support and enthusiasm means everything to us.

I also want to thank Timeline, Zero Hour, and Redemption, who are all amazing musicians and great people too. It was really cool to share a stage with all of those guys!!!

We will rock again in May at the Independent in San Francisco, so I hope to see some of you there!!

Hell yeah Sean - great to see you again bro and talk (and meet your wife!)

And you were awesome on the kit as usual bro!!
Thank you very much to you and all Enchant members and fans for one of my greatest weekends!!!!
It was great to meet you all, the concert was great.
The trip from Mexico to San Jose was very cool and the concert was a unique experience. Hope we can assist to other Enchant experiences.
Hey Gustavo! I'm sorry I didn't meet you. I would have like to have shaken hands and procured an adult beverage for the fan who traversed a border to see Enchant!

Oh, wait -- we don't have a border anymore! Ah well -- still, the distance counts, amigo!! :D
I am very sorry too about that!!!
I think it was the excitement but there was moments that I can't think about anything, just worry about the concert. I think you were the guy with that FW shirt?? Maybe you saw a QR Operation Mindcrime 2, that was me!!!!
Hope we can meet in the future!
Unfortunately i couldnt make it to California (coming from Germany).

But I am still planning to see the Festival on May 24 with Mob Rules :cool: