Thanks from Halcyon Way!!!

Guitars - Halcyon Way
Nov 9, 2003
First off, thanks to Shane for putting out the call to us and having the confidence in us to open Prog Power up again this year!!!!! Also thanks to John Cheek, Paul Cashman, and Patrick Parris of Theocracy for thinking of us when VP got turned around by the INS. That situation totally sucked and Shane about tore his (chest) hair out trying to make the Showcase a success in spite of that blow. I think he did an amazing job. We got the confirmation that it was on for us to help fill in at 1:00 on Thursday, and although it was a huge shock we welcomed the opportunity and challenge to get up there for you guys. Thanks to all the people that showed their support and cheered us on, and it was great and memorable night for us. We really appreciate the community pulling together. See you tonight!
The whole VP thing does really suck. Anyway, it was awesome to finally get to actually see you guys play. I've always liked what I've heard on the sample tracks you've guys provided. You did awesome, despite the short notice and the unfortunate situation that lead to this. Despite all that, the show must still go on and thankfully, still turned out to be an awesome night of metal.
Oh, and how could I forget to thank Kadria from the band Inviolate for being the first thing that you guys saw last night???? She's far hotter than us, and it really helps to have a beautiful woman dance before you see our ugly mugs..... =)

Check her band out on myspace:
considering all factors involved, you guys made me proud as your manager. :cool:

Kudos to Shane for believing in Halcyon Way enough to allow them to open the show as a last minute filler. :headbang:

Thank You.
I would like to thank Shane for letting us play the showcase. It was a blast and an honor to help him out.
I would like to thank Paul Cashman and John Cheek (I probably spelled both names wrong sorry) and Patrick Parris for always having our back. Thanks!!! We won't forget it.
And also I would like to thank Hoyt Parris our manager for making this year one of Halcyon Way's best yet. More to come....
For those of you who don't know, ProgPower and The Showcase work with an amazing crew. They took care of everything for us. I didn't have to do a single thing but show up and perform. I was never nervous because I knew those guys were there. I'd like to thank them all of the crew as well as Mike, Wayne and Chris! Thanks!!!

thats pretty awesome you guys showed up like that. i guess being local to prog power has its benefits huh? and that goes both ways!

you guys did a great job, im impressed.

props from me for sure
First off, thanks to Shane for putting out the call to us and having the confidence in us to open Prog Power up again this year!!!!! Also thanks to John Cheek, Paul Cashman, and Patrick Parris of Theocracy for thinking of us when VP got turned around by the INS.

heh, on Wednesday night it was more like "Damn, VP might not be able to make it...... Well, hell, I just saw Sean and Zane inside the venue, they're already here...."

Kudos for getting up there and stepping in, with about 6 hours' advance warning, guys. :headbang:
Thanks for all the support everybody. It wasn't easy and it was a bit nerve racking. You guys are the best crowd I've ever played in front of....period. I enjoy every minute of the thirty I got. My voice wasn't in the best shape.....I never should have sang Karaoke the night before (Dio and Queensryche) or even been out that late. I never thought we'd actually get the call. You know "always the bridesmaid never the bride" mentallity you sometimes get. So it was a quite a surprise.
Truly bummed about VP but it was really great to see you guys live and to finally get to meet n' jabber with Sean quite a few times over the weekend... It was really kewl to see you guys there!!!